I need to mention that the reason why 20 million fewer voters voted is. Because of the massive voter suppression that was done prior to the 2024 election. So many people were purged from voters rolls and many polling places were closed it wasn’t funny.
While I’m sure that was part of it, a lot of people didn’t vote for other reasons as well. Someone I know who you would probably consider “left” didn’t vote at all because of Harris supporting Israel (I’m aware trump is worse for Palestinians), and I know a bunch of other people I’ve spoken to online also didn’t vote at all for the same reason.
Plus I suspect a lot of other previous Biden voters didn’t vote at all for similar reasons, like possibly all party’s are owned by the rich.
Bottom line, a class war is needed to get the rich in check.
Unfortunately, if they didn’t vote, they have no right to complain when shit blows up in their face. I don’t feel represented by basically any candidate in my home country, Canada, or where I live, the UK. I still participate and vote for the person closest to what I’d like to see. If you don’t participate, you don’t get to bitch.
Not a mandate, but voter’s apathetic acceptance.
Let’s get a count of all of the votes that were tossed due to targeted voter registration purges.
pfff… he won twice. if americans would want a real democracy that wouldnt have happened.
Yeah. American here. It’s generally the case that the president gets votes from a minority of the population. Nothing new there. Unfortunately those of us who live here can see that the support for this monster is very real.
How gross it is, considering what was in the line that so many didn’t vote. Also I bet the duck he cheated.
Ah yes there was someone saying 1 in 2 people voted for Trump and yeah nope…
So 68.1% of the American public are complicit. Worse than I thought TBH. Fuck.
Yeah, these numbers are generally brought up to “show” how weak Trump support is. But, what I see is that leftists are not a majority, even among people that give a damn. So, if leftists are going to make any progress, they need to take concrete actions with whoever they can agree with for that project, instead of attacking other leftists (because they didn’t vote e.g.) and going no-contact with everyone that’s not as ideologically pure as yourself.
We have to build consensus and lead by example before we can win at the polls.
Yeah, no, that’s not how that works. We’ve got the electoral college, remember? There were 20 states that went blue. Any additional votes to Harris in those states wouldn’t have made Trump win less, refraining to vote in those states ultimately didn’t matter. You need to look at the percentage of people that didn’t vote in states that went red. But I get it, its easier to blame everyone who didn’t vote than to use critical thought.
In the US it’s legal for corporations to create propaganda outlets which stream nonstop lies designed to get sensitive individuals to vote fascists. It’s impossible to have democratic elections and have completely disinformed and propagandized voters. Yet even after killing hundreds of thousands of conservative voters the courts have sided with the propaganda outlets.
Yeah, pretending that it wasn’t a landslide is a grand delusion.
This and a similar result in last years UK election is why we need to go the Australian route and make voting compulsory.
The UK government won a landslide with just 15% of the electorate actually voting for a Labour MP. But because we have a broken system they have a huge majority.
Australian voting isn’t just mandatory. It’s a two-party preferential system. If you vote for a minor party or independent, your vote ultimately goes toward one of the two largest parties. No vote is a throwaway.
Two party systems are as dangerous as voting Labour. Fortunately thanks to Labours disastrous term so far we now have three viable parties theoretically capable of winning the next election. Which is coming sooner than people realise. Probably 2026, possibly this year.
Two party preferential is not the same as two party.
A lot of elected reps needed preferences from other candidates in order to make 50% of the vote. Those reps know where their bread us buttered.
You are talking shit.
While I agree in principle I don’t think that would necessarily change the results in this case as labour was the best mainstream option in that case. The conservatives had messed up badly and lost public confidence, bleeding votes to both Labour and Reform.
Labour are NEVER an option. We don’t need their hard left Orwellian hell state they are creating. It was all there for people to see during the election. But every voice that warned they were lying about almost everything in their manifesto (mine included) were silenced by being slapped with the “far-right” label. A label that Labour use to describe ANY criticism aimed at them. Why? Because it sounds scary, it works and keeps people scared of change.
You think that Labour are hard left? They literally kicked out all the actual communists and other far left people years ago. I don’t think you have ever seen what real far-left organizations look like or believe - I actually used to be a member of one some time ago if you wanted to ask. You’re either misinformed or a lot further right than you claim. It doesn’t surprise me people are applying that label to you given what you have just come out with.
I believe that people that do not want to vote or do not feel particularly strongly about politics should be free to stay home. They might not know much about politics. Wouldn’t you rather have people vote who are actually invested into politics and come to vote because they actually want to? Also, I do not think it is ok to force people to participate in democracy in suvh a manner.
Just because you reckon your party would have won if you forced people to vote, does not mean it should be done.
It’s true that mandatory voting nets a lot of low information voters. It also encourages a lot of people to check the major party’s policies who otherwise wouldn’t bother.
I’m not aware of low information voters swaying the vote one way or another.
By making voting mandatory, it becomes mandatory for everyone to have an opportunity to vote.
In what country do people not have the opportunity to vote? Even if that is the case, why not just make the voting accessible without forcing people to vote?
I just don’t see the point.
You don’t see the point in telling citizens to take an interest?
Ok mate.
It seems to me that there is a difference between telling someone to take and interest and forcing them to vote even though they do not care to do that on their own.
Hitler got about 33% back when he started. He achieved his position by simply ignoring the law after that. Sounds familiar?
Not voting is not the same as not voting for Trump. Not voting is complying with other people’s votes. If you don’t live in a swing state then that’s understandable but if you live in a swing state and didn’t vote, you have allowed Trump to win this election.
I wonder what the percentage of not voters in swing states is. Surely it would be way lower since they have more incentive to vote right?
The top 10 states by voter participation are: Minnesota Colorado Oregon Washington Wisconsin Maine New Hampshire Michigan Iowa New Jersey
Those above as well as Virginia, Montana, Massachusetts, Vermont, North Carolina, Florida, and Connecticut have participation rates above ~70%. While a few swing states are in there, it’s certainly not overwhelming given that I’ve listed about 40% of the states.
Your vote only matters in swing states. The whole electoral college thing is fucked.
Internalizing the “your vote only matters in purple states” will turn it into a self fulfilling prophecy.
Previously blue states have turned purple, previously purple states have turned red. Nothing is set in stone, although resting on your laurels (if your state is blue) or giving up (if your state is red) will all but guarantee that the changes will only happen in one direction: the bad one.
In 2020, Texas would have gone blue were it not for Ken Paxton purging mail-in votes, by Paxton’s own admission.
Nothing is set in stone, so you need fight for every inch.
Yeah, it’s pretty dumb. The popular vote is what should matter. That’s the only way each vote counts as much as any other vote, which is like a basic principle of democracy.
didn’t Trump still win the popular vote though
Yes, but many people simply don’t vote because they know their chosen party will win easily. By the numbers there are more Democrats than Republicans.
fair enough
He got more votes than Harris, but less than 50%.
The really shocking stat is the growing number of eligible voters who have just stopped voting or participating in the system at all. When you look at the #1 reason why it is “no matter who wins my life doesn’t get better and no candidate represents me”. We have a quasi functional democracy at this point.
68.1% support Trump 30.84% support Harris 1.06% support 3rd party
FIFY. Please stop pretending that it wasn’t a landslide. Please stop pretending that Americans don’t support fascism. Please stop pretending that you’re not responsible.
there is a huge number of people not legally allowed to vote but people like you insist on helping our jailers like Trump to make our fellow citizens the problem not the oligarchs
I like how latent fascists always come up with excuses.
~70% of the US adults either wanted trump or at least OK with him, and by extension are ok with the muskrat
Maybe it’s time for the rest of the world to realize it’s not “just trump” but the USA as a whole is very racist, stupid and backwards country.
Maybe the pushback against trump we see all around social media is just the small loud minority.
Maybe it’s time to not consider Americans friends, and to stop supporting it as much as possible. I’ve started cutting off the american-made stuff I buy.
~70% of the US adults either wanted trump or at least OK with him, and by extension are ok with the muskrat
Well, no. It sure looks like that from the corporate news spew, but no.
Maybe it’s time for the rest of the world to realize it’s not “just trump” but the USA as a whole is very racist, stupid and backwards country.
We knew.
Maybe the pushback against trump we see all around social media is just the small loud minority.
I think so too. They are not big, just loud.
Well the US clearly doesn’t mind that much cause they’re accepting his neverending stream of shit.