Cripple. History Major. Vaguely Left-Wing.

Alt of PugJesus for ensuring Fediverse compatibility and shit

  • 266 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • I’m not saying the USSR was responsible for the development of the Estonian economy,

    Really? Because that rather sounds like what you’re saying with the comparison you make here

    If the british had built comparable infrastructure in India as in the UK, if they had industrialized it,

    But I don’t know why I expect consistency from red fash.

    Please. Show me the data for that. Show me how exploited the Estonians were, how much lower their wages were than in the rest of the USSR. Spoiler alert: data contradicts your claims.

    The second external strategy employed by the Soviet Union to rebuild its devastated economic infrastructure was the joint company. It became a ubiquitous institution in Eastern Europe. The joint company enabled the U.S.S.R. to extract resources and products from a region partially occupied militarily by the Soviet Army and completely reorganized by the Communist Party. So effective had the joint company and Soviet exploitation become that the economic world of Eastern Europe was turned upside down. Not only did the U.S.S.R. impose the goals of socialism and industrialism on essentially peasant societies, it altered the region’s traditional trade pattern that had focused on commerce with Central and Western Europe. By 1947, commerce flowed in the opposite direction as seventy-five percent of all Russian imports originated in Eastern Europe

    But tell me more about how THIS form of market capture over vassalized states is TOTALLY different than the British Empire’s form of market capture over vassalized states /s

  • Colonialists use that excuse, I’m very aware, the difference is that they’re lying when they say it. Number of hospital beds per capita, salaries, number of teachers per capita, conservation of local language through language choice in education and written publications such as books or newspapers in the local language, industrialization of the area

    Holy shit, literally “The British built schools hospitals in Africa” level colonization apologia. Jesus Christ. And tankies wonder why I don’t view them any differently than any other authoritarians.

  • Oh, cool, so North Korea is behind because they didn’t implement a fascist government that pushed against workers’ rights and performed crackdowns against unions, applied protectionism to key industries, and welcomed foreign capital into those sectors?

    Fucking lmao.

    But sure, tell me how South Korea’s greatest periods of growth were definitely under the periods of dictatorship and military junta and not the democratic period that resulted in reaction to that.

  • How cute that you always have an excuse for why life under your favorite regimes that actually follow your ideal policies instead of departing from ML orthodoxy is always so dog shite, without exception. Almost like MLs are just fascists searching for excuses to brutalize the proletariat.

    stop doing that to cuba btw, its starting to stink. if socialism were so bad i think you could let them fail fair and square, and show us how bad it actually is, no?

    Sure. I’ve been an opponent of sanctions on Cuba for years. Btw, you want to remind me how many capitalist countries are sanctioning Cuba right now? I always lose track.

    Hillary Clinton, the boogeyman, also supports lifting sanctions, I suppose since she’s such a good socialist?

    Also, if the ML systems you so adore can’t operate without being subsidized by capitalism, aren’t they really just extensions of capitalist regimes?

  • if we are talking about heavily propagandized policies enacted 100 years ago to try and curb imperialism,

    “You don’t understand, they HAD to gun down people for trying to escape our Socialist Paradise, or else Imperialism would win!”


    Thanks for being utterly unable to contradict any of the points brought up that disprove your half-hearted attempt to defend the massacres of your favorite fascist states.

    the us is the very last country that can talk about machine gunnings, because they were the ones sponsoring most of it through all of recent history, including and especially in the socialist countries you seem to hate so hard for… doing just that?

    Cool, so you can back up the part where we were supposedly machine-gunning our own citizens to stop them from fleeing this capitalist hellhole, right? Since that was the topic brought up?

    Oh, wait, of course you can’t.

    americans and the brits did full on scorched earth in vietnam and china, and nowadays they have healthcare while you are still shooting up kids in schools.

    Oh, of course, having healthcare now justifies all of your fascist regime’s atrocities. By the way, would you like to elaborate on the economic systems of China and Vietnam in the modern day? You know, now that they have healthcare? Just curious.

    Also, when did the Brits do ‘full on scorched earth’ in China? 1901?