Would you like extra fries for a dollar more?
No, but how much for the kid?
People are so brainwashed for thinking this is heartwarming and not incredibly fucked.
This is literally what “black excellence” is, but calling it out makes you (internally) racist, a pick me for the nazis, or a black person who is white on the inside.
This post is inspirational and any problem you have with it is racially motivated.
What are you on about?
Interesting point, but I think meme culture is also programming people to stop thinking the moment their outrage is triggered. There’s a group consensus that acknowledging any other factors besides the evil in a situation is a defense of that evil.
The crowd clearly agrees with you on that, but many people are able to continue thinking even after they feel outrage.
it takes a village to raise a child…
it takes a Corporation to exploit a family for their personal gain.
17, working and has a child?! 💀
I’ve seen this personally here in Georgia, and I mean more than once.
This ain’t no village
I like that “it takes a village” means bringing your child to work, and not having the support to either have someone/some facility watch your child if you chose to work, or having actual paternity leave. Nor does it mean being paid enough that if you had to just not work, you and yours wouldn’t be in the street.
How inspiring.
Orphan crushing machine…
does anyone actually see this and think it’s heartwarming???
This gives me the same vibe as all those “feelgood” stories about communities coming together to pay for some valued member’s back surgery or cancer treatment or something.
It’s nice people do that, but what about people that are less liked, and how is it that we have so much wealth going around, and yet extremely basic things like healthcare are still factors people need to concern themselves with being able to afford?
Not at all… I bet the manager would have sacked her if she could.
That’s the opposite of a village
babies having babies 😔
Capitalism equals a miserable life for most people, we should free ourselves.
but for many (and we know who) your misery cancels out THEIR misery.
as long has YOU are suffering more than they…They win. which is why “Owning the Libs” is to them desirable. and a sufficient reason for self harming behavior.
it is an insane point of view…but there you go.
What a beautiful world
Uhhh… looks at her age
I’m guessing they didn’t want to pay an agency worker more to cover her shift.
No such thing as agency at fast food jobs here. You call out and your shift either works short or calls in someone else who is supposed to be off. Having 0 labor protections is amazing.
So she’d be fired for calling in?