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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Trump isn’t a sitting president yet, he’s still a former president.

    Judge Merchan said that before the guilty verdict, when Trump violated his gag order 10 times consecutively. His next words after “I don’t want to put you in jail” were “…but I will if you continue to jeopardize the judicial process.” (paraphrasing). Obviously, the judge did not want to resort to jail for criminal contempt because the case had a lot of eyes on it and jumping to jail before issuing warnings and fines gives the impression of impropriety or bias, which could have been grounds for a mistrial had he taken Trump’s bait.

    Most people think he’s going to walk on the basis that he has no prior criminal convictions and that he’s the presumptive Republican nominee, but there’s also the fact that he’s shown no remorse for his crimes even after the verdict and that allowing him to escape a prison term with a slap on the wrist house arrest or a fine will not realistically deter him or others from committing the same crime.

    I’d say it’s still a good possibility that he sees jail. Probably not for the max 3 year sentence, but some token amount of incarceration would be appropriate. He’ll likely be out before taking office should he actually win, and they’ll probably make special provisions for him to continue campaigning, so he probably won’t even spend that much time in an actual cell.

    The real kicker is his next conviction will mean he has to contend with a criminal history, which will vastly increase his chances of receiving actual prison time. That all hinges on him not getting elected and pardoning himself for all the federal crimes he’s accused of, the most severe of which being his role in the J6 insurrection and the classified documents case which could easily land him in prison for the rest of his life.

  • The thing is, nobody ever said billionaires were smart. A lot of people conflate being wealthy with being intelligent, and that’s simply not the case.

    The fatal mistake the billionaire donor class is making here is that they think Trump can be controlled if he does win. They aren’t worried about fascism because money is the real king of America and always has been.

    And that line of thinking is solid until a fascist dictator who doesn’t want to give up their power or have it limited by anybody else decides that the wealthy are no longer their allies and has the secret police “deal with them”.

  • Does anybody else find it a little sad that Ronny Jackson simps for Trump when Trump can’t even remember his name when talking about him? Or did he just change his name to Ronny Johnson so that the god-king doesn’t have to be wrong?

    I mean, I would find it sad if I weren’t completely out of sympathy for these Trump sycophants who let Trump talk shit about them publicly so that they can cling to power a little longer. Especially the shitheels who criticized Trump and now find themselves kissing the ring and bending the knee to get that VP nom.

  • Furbag@lemmy.worldtoStar Wars Memes@lemmy.worldI'm getting old
    3 days ago

    Star Wars isn’t bad because of “woke” inclusivity. It’s bad because the people who were supposed to be responsible for carefully curating and engineering both the past and future lore of the universe were at the very best taking a maverick approach to storytelling and at worst actively trying to to sabotage the canon for the sake of their own selfish artistic pursuits.

    I don’t dislike the nu-trilogy because it makes an effort to include women and minorities in leading roles. I dislike it because it’s an incoherent mess of a story that doesn’t mesh at all with what came before it, and the only thing holding it together is the veneer of Star Wars, but only the parts that made Star Wars iconic and not necessarily the ones that made Star Wars good.

  • The problem with inflation is that the cat can never go back in the bag. Sure, the Fed says they have inflation “under control” at the moment, but it’s still way higher than where pre-covid projections predicted it would be at this time, and real wages have not nearly caught up to the increased prices that literally everyone who earns a paycheck for a living is feeling right now. High cost of groceries and gas will never go back to the way they were, and no matter who ends up sitting in the Oval Office next January, they won’t be able to change that fact.

    Workers across the country need to wake up and realize that they outnumber the owner class 10,000 to 1. A general strike could grind the entire nation to a halt and then they’ll start listening to what we have to say. The politicians in Washington have already signaled that they don’t care if average people can’t make ends meet and nobody is coming to save us, so we have to take matters into our own hands using the tools proven to work time and time again - worker organization.

  • I’m bisexual man, but I lean mostly towards women as my preference. Occasionally, I feel the pull to fool around with some guys, but nothing ever too serious.

    I had just gotten out of a 5+ year relationship with a girl that I really liked, but the relationship was extremely unfulfilling sexually. She was a dead fish in bed and I had become bored with run-of-the-mill sex and I wanted to experiment a bit while I was single. I downloaded Tinder, set my preferences to any, and started swiping.

    I was honestly just really horny and looking for anybody, male or female, who wanted a quick one night stand and I happened to swipe on a dude’s profile who had such a sexy butt pic as their profile picture that I was convinced it was a girl and didn’t bother to check. We talked a bit and he clarified that he was actually a guy, but that didn’t deter me. I agreed to meet him at a motel he was staying at for work and we could fool around a bit.

    To keep a really long story short, I met the guy and he did not look as advertised in the photos. He was much uglier, and did not have a cute ladyboy body. Looked like a stereotypical redneck, complete with mullet and trucker cap. I was disappointed, but I didn’t want to be rude so I stayed. He offered me a drink, which I declined, and then he asked me to take off my clothes so we could start (he was already pantless when I walked in the motel room).

    I then had the roughest, most uncomfortable blowjob in my entire life. He was really into giving head and deepthroating. I have climaxed once before during a blowjob so I know what a good one feels like and this guy was not very good at giving them. There was a lot of slobber and gagging involved which kind of took me out of the experience. Had to ask him to be more gentle and use less teeth a few times during the act. Eventually, mercifully, I came in his mouth and I went into the bathroom to wash up and I swear I could not get all the slobber and goop off of my junk. I went home after declining more sex with him, took a 45 minute shower, and tried to scrub my cock clean again. Took like a whole day for it to feel less gross.

    He texted me the next day asking if I could “feed him another load” and I blocked him. Absolutely the worst sexual experience of my entire life that I didn’t want to repeat. Really put into perspective all the dead fish sex I had been having with my ex girlfriend and I realized that it wasn’t so bad after all.