Simultaneous purging of the chief generals of all three branches.
They are ensuring the military has no cohesiveness to stage a future coup against the Executive Branch, and are replacing all control with their own loyalists.
Imagine helping to protect your country for 40 years, only to have a felon who is offended over the existence of people with any skin colour besides white take all that away from you. I predict that a white man will be offered to take Brown’s place and will be far less qualified.
That’s what all of this anti “DEI” (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) is about, purging anyone who isn’t a straight, able-bodied white male.
I see this in every thread. He was a felon when he was running. People voted for a felon. The American people wanted a criminal in the white house. The guy all previous generals who worked with him warned against. 77 million people are responsible for these firings, plus whatever many stayed home and didn’t vote. His campaign promise was to replace everyone with loyalists.
I call for the dissolution of the secret ballot.
I want everyone to have to account to their vote to the country.
Careful. The Nazis may use this to decide you go to a camp in the future.
Who the fuck cares. Fuck the Nazis, I’m on paper saying as much and I’ll fucking end as many as I can if they want to try me.
Amen. It’s necessary.
I agree with the person you respond with. I haven’t voted for a Republican once and I’m very much here saying the people who didn’t vote “because the democrats didn’t give us a reason to” are as culpable… but I also live in a very red state and one of the few saving graces is in order to participate in the primaries one doesn’t have to be registered to a party. Something I’ve avoided, but also something the state is trying to get rid of. I’m seriously considering registering Republican just to keep targets off my back.
Plus I think we may be passed elections anyways so those not “of the party” are likely to be targeted anyways.
I don’t negotiate with, or knuckle under for terrorists.
But then you can purchase votes and/or be pressured by employers to vote their way.
It’s not like the Trump voters are silently voting. They’re load and clear?
*besides white and orange
offended over the existence of people with any skin colour besides white take all that away from you
This isn’t the problem here, it’s military leadership that may disobey him
Two things can be true. Remember the white supremacists he called “very fine people”? The “shithole countries”? Kamala Harris “turned black”? Remember when he claimed Haitian immigrants are eating cats and dogs?
One is much worse than the other
Americans have always been racist, they haven’t always been afraid of the military not following orders due to morality
And if you’ve seen what they have done that would really scare you from what’s coming
Imagine helping to
protect yourcommit war crimes for country for 40 years,
General Brown was abruptly dismissed as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on February 21, 2025 by President Donald Trump. Trump subsequently announced that Brown would be replaced with John D. Caine, who did not meet the legal prerequisites for the position, and who, according to Trump, had pledged “I love you, sir. I think you’re great, sir. I’ll kill for you, sir.”, while wearing a MAGA hat.
If they don’t meet the legal prerequisites, they don’t get the job. dafuq!
So a Conservative DEI hire?
In a manner of speaking, yes. Should bring this up in c/conservative. We’ve already established that an unelected H1B immigrant from S. Africa is dismantling our government.
Have you met this, or the previous trump administrations? The don’t care about the law.
Cool, cool cool cool cool…
This will turn out well…
And so his purge of bipartisan and democratic leaders of the military allows him to ensconce lackeys that won’t question or refuse orders to invade other countries, like Canada.
People keep on saying that America won’t invade other countries, like Panama or Canada. THIS IS WHY THEY WILL BE ABLE TO DO SO.
It’s time to remind the military that the only moral response to an unethical order is to ignore it.
Can only hope they show at the minimum the same type of malicious compliance that South Korea did during their president’s attempted coup. But Americans don’t seem to value democracy as much, and haven’t had to keep fighting for it to have the fire to do such a thing.
How many Silas Soule’s do you think are still in the military? Not many, I imagine
He’s also about to fire all the JAGS, so they can court-martial anyone who isn’t a loyalist and pardon war criminals who are.
Anyone who thinks it won’t happen at this point is not paying attention or is fully balls deep in conservative media.
What should they say? That we’re going to? That’s even worse.
I suppose you should say it’s a horrible thing we shouldn’t do.
"The removal of the second Black man to serve as America’s most senior general and the first woman to" …and there it is.
I genuinely hope racism and sexism are the primary motivations behind this because that’s pretty much the best case scenario
I get what you’re saying but the sexism and racism lead, in this case, directly to slavery, so maybe blow shit up before women and blacks become slaves. Again.
I was just talking to a friend yesterday who mentioned that the conditions for China to invade Taiwan will be optimal in three weeks based on the ocean conditions and ship movements.
I said even if Trump wants to be the “president of peace” and avoid interfering, the generals wouldn’t allow the inaction. I think my exact words were, “he would have to fire them all in the next two weeks.”
America is toast. Best we can hope for is a military coup. Military purge is in progress. At this point I think threatening to nuke Canada is the red line and only if prevailing winds are on my side.
Left and right are living in alternate realuties and this can only lead to violence. If the military chooses right then it’s world war 3.
The non-violent alternative is for the left is to do an economic coup by halting consumption.
halting all work and transportation too. EDSA worked because the protests blockaded the capital
In my dreams
One absolutely doesn’t prepare such a large operation at such a short notice.
For an intelligence analyst, signs of an invasion are typically detectable 3 months ahead. If one performs a maritime invasion at a notice of weeks, failure is likely. (For reference, the D-Day needed years of planning and months of moving resources to work.)
Also, I trust that Taiwan has infiltrated China just as deeply as China has infiltrated Taiwan - they likely cannot keep massive secrets from each other.
You assume they haven’t already been planning for months, or years.
I hope the joint Chiefs already had plans in place as a contingency for this. Now is the time for a military coup. The sooner it’s done, the less messy things will get
Every single member of the military I’ve talked to, somehow, for some reason seems to support Trump. I’m fucking stunned by it, but it seems he has their support.
it’s about a 50/50 at my local base. The vets, on the other hand, tend to lean towards tRUmp. I have never gotten it either. Our regional congressman, or ex now, never did jack shit for us. We were a tool to get her elected every time. She didn’t really do anything to help. When she left, what did they do? Idiots voted in another useless GOP.
When PACT was first shot down, I had to actually explain why that was a bad thing and that we needed it. They bought every last fake talking point. I had actually read the measure. Anyone that did had seen why it was a good thing.
We have a problem of propagation of fake news on bases. A lot of them show faux on the TVs in waiting areas. On top of that, it tends to be conservatives that join. Officers do tend to be less red. I really don’t know what would happen if the military actually fulfilled its oath to protect against the domestic threat part of our oath.
It is disgusting hearing fellow vets with the “I got mine” attitude, or other attitudes that are directly against the nature of service. That isn’t what we were serving for.
Also, the “I got mine” group is about to lose all of what they got.
This is a really dark thing to say and I might delete it if it’s too off base, but as a vet that decidedly does not support trump, I wonder if the ones that don’t are too suicidal
I would honestly not be surprised to see the suicide rate increase. Especially among the marginalized veterans. We’ve already seen a couple. I remember the one who jumped off of the VA building wherever they were at. It’s been mentioned a few times on the reddit vet board, and I’m noticing an increase in vets posting that they’re at their limit and contemplating ending it all.
My BIL is a vet as well. He was having a mental break last week. I was able to talk him into going to the ER. He’s getting better, but we’re all worried about events going down. We’re trying to prep as best we can. We feel as though something really bad is coming up. I told him to take a step back from the news and social media. I had to for a bit as well.
Yeah it’s tough out here for folks. I’m just waiting for when they’re going to stop covering my gender affirming care. Nothing yet, but it is inevitable. Your BIL is lucky to have you. I hope he’s able to get the help that he needs <3
Remember a few months ago when Trump said he needed generals like Hitler had
This is to ensure the military won’t be able to stop them. Expect much more and worse soon
No doubt on the advice directly from Putin.
*direct order
This shit is moving so fast. And any pushback initiative to the insanity moves so slow. I hope there will be real elections again in a few years, but it feels like game-over tbh
Yeah, people abroad are wondering why Americans won’t just stand up, but the reality is that the country is massive and you need an incredible organizing effort to offer any real, organized resistance.
And sure, some groups have tried, but you really need your opposition party, or some kind of major celebrity, or someone else with major reach to organize something that reaches every American and pulls them together to action.
And that just hasn’t happened. Some people have spoken out, but nobody has been willing to lead that next step and really lead a movement. Words aren’t gonna be enough to counter this.
but the reality is that the country is massive and you need an incredible organizing effort to offer any real, organized resistance.
That’s no problem.
The protests that brought down East Germany weren’t that much organized at first. People went to the street every monday and that was it. Internet and instant messenger didn’t exist back then. Most didn’t even had a telephone at home and TV was censored by the state.
Children were pretty successful too. The whole worldwide protest grew from a single child.The USA is big, yes, but the population live in the cities not in between them.
Now you know what to do:
Pick a day and go protest every week on that day in your city. Politics eventually will feel the pressure.I don’t disagree that it could work, but I’m also not sure it’s that simple either.
There’s a big difference in trying to get people to protest for the threat that is over the horizon than the one in power for 40 years. People just aren’t good at conceptualizing the weight of that future pain against what they currently stand to lose.
And they could lose a lot - their job first, which also means their house and their health insurance. Not to mention plenty of laws criminalizing most protest already, where you are bound to be caught on camera or via other digital surveillance, and a single arrest on your permanent record means no future employment, and missed payments on your credit history means no future economic prospects.
And believe me I know the risk of that is worth it, and the risks you’d have in the future are even worse, but most people in the country still aren’t ready to make that trade - hell, most still deny the direction things are headed.
And they could lose a lot - their job first, which also means their house and their health insurance. Not to mention plenty of laws criminalizing most protest already, where you are bound to be caught on camera or via other digital surveillance, and a single arrest on your permanent record means no future employment, and missed payments on your credit history means no future economic prospects.
It’s astounding you aren’t already rioting! People in my country would tar and feder the guy who’s responsible for that or anyone who doesn’t want to change that.
The USA is big, yes, but the population live in the cities not in between them.
Some of us are a 2 hour drive from a small city, 4 from a big one. My state capital building is almost 3 hours from me.
A generation from now, they’ll ask you why you didn’t help stop fascism and your reply with be “well grandson, it was a 3 hour drive”? That’s your excuse?
This isn’t going to be easy! You can’t fight fascism from your couch. You have to do something to stop it. And right now all it’ll take is driving 3 hours. That won’t always be the case as they solidify their power and crack down on dissent. And you’ll sit there as the brownshirts drag people out of their homes and wish all you had to do was drive 3 hours.
ITT: Europeans thinking they know what a big country is.
I’m hoping that blue states file state level treason charges for Trump, and every one of his appointees and co-conspirators, and begins to use the national guard and special task forces to find and capture them. If anything, wait until they are already in the state, then announce charges, and surround them before they can leave.
Also, make sure to look at the list of the biggest personal donors to the Trump campaign. Many of them probably live around you, and they paved the way for this bullshit
It’s the same strategy used by Hitler and the nazis to seize control of Germany. They initially only got control of some of the smaller, “less important” government departments. And then they just started drastically expanding the reach of existing departments, declaring themselves to be in charge of other departments, consolidating loyalists, etc…
The idea is that by the time opponents have time to push back, you have already seized control and are already ousting them. Court battles take months or years, but the takeover was done in a few days.
This is game over. They control the information flow and narrative. They have control of all branches of government. They will be able to do whatever they want because the people in charge of telling you something is wrong are all compromised. Nobody will be able to organize and even if they could, they would be instantly crushed with violent force and the ones who are supposed to stop that violent force will the ones doing it and nobody will bat an eye because half your country is fucking insane. And I doubt your country will be stopped by any other country because you are the most militarily powerful country on earth and the only competitors to you on earth are China and Russia, both of which benefit from this whole thing. It’s too late. We are totally fucked unless you guys have a civil war like, tomorrow.
Even if Americans actually stand up to this and General Strike or something, how long will it take anyone who isn’t a white man to believe pretty much anything the American government tells them?
I was skeptical the entire country was going to fall, but now I think it is already happening. Putin won the cold war after we all thought it was over, I guess. And what a world he’s provided for us…
Our only hope is to direct pur collective efforts into building horizontal egalitarian structures in society that can permanently replace our existing institutions.
Getting involved in your local communities is the first step:
Honestly the US is so antagonistically into ‘individualism’ I’m not sure how you’d even start to build that. Americans have been brainwashed into thinking that everyone else is right on the edge of breaking into their houses and raping their entire families; look at the entire idea of arming yourself with firearms to prevent ‘home invasions,’ and then glossing over the stats that you’re magnitudes more likely to be shot by your husband than assaulted by a stranger.
I think the ideal would be a Communal approach, where each neighbourhood works to help the people inside it, and those people reach out to help others nearby, yet I am not sure the average American will trust their neighbours enough to do this. When every branch of your government is full of capitalist fascists, who can you depend on to fix your roads, get you to the hospital, put out the fire in your home? These fascists are going to cut funding to everything the ‘middle class’ and poor rely on, and the worst part is that a lot of those people will not only vote for it, but cheer it on right up until it effects them.
I’d love to be wrong about all of this, but I’ve been watching the US for my entire life, and I was born in the early 80’s, and I just don’t see enough of you guys caring for each other. The speed with which you turn on each other is staggering; how long did it take Democratic candidates to blame ‘woke’ policies or your population who are trans for losing the election? I’ve been told my entire life your second amendment was to protect yourself and your neighbours from the Evil Government. Then Fascists take over your government, and it’s silence. I think we all knew, outside of your country, that the people most fiercely defending it just wanted to protect their hobby, but watching you allow gun violence to become the most common way for children to die broke my heart. And to then watch you not even use those weapons to protect your 2SLGBTQIA+ neighbours, to not rise up and fight back against ICE putting people in concentration camps, has removed any faith I had that just maybe you guys had something there, that maybe I just couldn’t see that you’d use it to help others.
I wish you all the best of luck, yet from here it looks like yet another oligarchy where people talk a big game about fighting for each other, only to immediately back down when it looks like you might have to put your own selves on the line. I love you all and will be quietly sobbing while you defend your actions.
Waiting for Trump to put the leaders of the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers into these positions.
“Trump administration fires all non-white chiefs in unprecedented purge of military leadership”
Fixed the title
So is this even legal? Are there seriously no checks and balances for this kinda stuff?
Dude, legality has lost all meaning.
Lol checks and balances is an illusion to keep the masses from revolting
The own supreme Court, presidency, Congress and Senate majority. Which check and which balance do you prefer?
This is some dark shit. Removing proven leaders to promote cronies is both detrimental to our military strength and a massive red flag to our democracy. How this entire fascist takeover is being allowed is baffling to me. I genuinely fear for America.
Our democracy ended on January 20th.
Just prepping the landscape for the Russian takeover 😅😢