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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • And it’s gotten much worse since then. The $185 billion number listed as the highest wealth would be around number 5 now, with Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Arnault all having more than that now I think.

    My favorite statistic household net worth (includes cars, houses, retirement, everything).

    Median from 2022 was 192,000 Mean from 2022 was 1,063,000

    The ultra-rich are such incredible outliers that the mean is more than 5x the median.

    The 10 wealthiest people in 2024 control almost 1.7 trillion dollars. That’s more than the GDP of the pooreat 100 countries combined.

  • Those who hate homosexuals and see them as the “other side” often believe that homosexuals view heterosexuals with the same malice.

    Gay people know they’re not the norm, and don’t feel threatened by straight folk unless. They feel threatened by bigots.

  • I work in the development department of a tiny city that’s surrounded by a major city on all sides. It’s an enclave for the super-rich, with the average new house here costing over 10 times that of the surrounding area.

    There’s actually sections in city code regarding the regulation of servant’s quarters.

    The houses are mostly owned by shell corporations designed to hide the identity of the actual residents. But I know who a lot of them are, and you’ve definitely heard some of the names, though a lot of the obscenely-rich work hard to start out of the press. There’s a billionaire here whose picture I cannot find anywhere online.

    Among my many duties, I review the plans for all the houses coming in.

    They have sooo much security. You just don’t know about it. There’s multiple panic rooms, security offices, popup bollards, bulletproof windows, and more.

    There are no sidewalks or parks. No sightlines from the street to the house. They build “water features” (moats) and plant vegetative screening to make accessing the house impractical except through the gate - some of which have guardhouses.

    They are absolutely terrified of peasants.

  • Robert E Lee was the Supreme commanding General of the Confederacy, which seceeded from the United States out of fear that Lincoln and his new, progressive Republican party (times have obviously changed) would outlaw slavery.

    The resulting Civil War was by far the deadliest conflict the US has ever been in in terms of US casualties. But the bonus is that since the war over slavery had started anyway, we went ahead and outlawed most slavery while we were at it.

    Anyway, a lot of states, especially in the South kept discriminatory laws on the books following the war. As the Civil Rights movements of the 50s and 60s approached, a lot of Southern cities and states started building monuments and dedicating government buildings and parks to Confederate “heroes” and leaders.

    They romanticized the Confederacy as a major part of Southern heritage (even though it lasted less than 5 years), and rewrote the history taught in schools to teach that the war wasn’t about slavery, but about the federal government trampling on states rights.

    And it worked. Millions of people are brainwashed into thinking that the rebel flag is a racist symbol, but a symbol of individualism and freedom. They tricked generations of Southerners into thinking they aren’t racist.

  • The ndo Uber Eats a few times a week at work. It’s 100% about the time required to do anything else.

    The average new house in the city I work for is about 6 million dollars, so I live about 90-minutes away in normal traffic where I can pay $750/month in rent. I work lots of hours (start at 8, usually leave between 6 and 8 with no real break between), so I’m looking at 14-16 hours between when I leave the house in the morning and when I return home. I also think ach night classes at the University on Mondays during the fall and Spring semesters, and have 3 night meetings a month between Council and Planning and Zoning. On the weekends I drive a couple hundred miles out of town to help with my parents.

    If paying triple for a meal occasionally saves me 15-20 minutes it’s often absolutely worth it for the stress relief.

  • And because that’s your claim, you instantly put the majority of people who are not on the defensive about everything.

    If someone falsely called you out as a pedophile, would you then listen to anything else they had to say about you, no matter how reasonable it is? No. Because they obviously don’t know you and are wildly ignorant about who you are and what you stand for. Also: fuck them for spouting off that bullshit about you and your friends.

    That’s what’s been happening with pedophiles in the church. People claim *everyone is a pedophile, so they circle the wagons to defend themselves from false allegations, and the actual predators end up being better-defended.

    By falsely claiming everyone in the church is a pedi, people like you are enabling the pedophiles.

    Good job!