:.|:;Classic, eternal.
Especially with niche internet culture like here on Lemmy. Very few people understand the “highly sophisticated” bean memes we’ve got.
“So a guy asking how not to shit for a weekend was funny for a whole month?”
When you put it that way we sound weird!
Wait, there’s actual context behind the bean memes? I’ve been missing out.
The not shitting guy came before the beans. The beans were mindless. The not shitting guy was an enigma.
Enigma? You mean enema?
No, enemas do the opposite of that
but ideally you would start something like that by clearing any buffer, you know?
Or the orb-pocalypse
Or the jeans era
You mean the memes about the small misshapen orbs?
I have been around when the bean meme came and I still don’t know how that meme started.
Nobody does but we all just pretend
Someone stole it from Reddit who stole it from Instagram.
The best memes are buried in 6 layers of irony and meta-references.
And accessed via a proxy of 6 VPNs
What the fuck did you just say about me?
Got some reference material?
where saddam
Is this loss?
I consider Loss to be common knowledge at this point
Which is why it’s a great meme to bury in six layers of irony and meta-references.
I usually don’t have a hard time explaining referencial humor when it’s, like, an older movie that was super popular in my day to a younger person who hasn’t seen it; but memes are often inexplicable unless you just know.
Le gasp
You forgot the strikethrough for the four panels
:.|:;I thought it looked wrong when I pasted it but couldn’t figure out why lol
They will find this etched into mountains, and future historians will never know why
“The game”
No , why , why would you do that ?!
I tried explaining to a SO why stappling bread to trees was funny or why “Cat.” was peak humor.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone questioning my sanity and theirs by association this clearly in any other conversation.
Chuck Testa
Oh no there’s a bear in my bed!
so uh this guy once ordered a pizza with no toppings but only beef on the left side and that’s why I have a 40-year-old man’s face on my shirt with a pizza background.
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.:|:;Is this loss?
1 2
2 50
Memes are art.
Ceiling cat haz contempt for your puny 7 years of historical warez. Leave Brittany alone with your shallow funnies.
… Britney. Britney.
Christ, that meme’s old enough to drop bombs on Yemen.
Ceiling cat encourages your masturbation to Britney.
Leave Brittany alone
OG reference right there.
finally, a meme I’m actually too young to understand! someone gimme lore pls
I get to be useful!
Ceiling cat is a reference to possibly the earliest generation of memes. They mostly involved cats. Ceiling cat was a popular one of a cat poking its had down through a hole in a ceiling, captioned “ceiling cat is watching you masturbate” or something similar. The odd grammar/spelling is of the same Era, where these cat memes would be spoken in the “voice” of a cat. The most famous example is “I can haz cheezburger”
Leaving Britney alone is a reference to an early Era of YouTube video, where an actor bawling at the camera ranted about how people were being too mean to Britney Spears, a famous pop star. It was hotly debate whether the contents of the video were genuine or acting. Remember, this was before Snopes, even.
I think that was everything?
Frosted butts
I pity the fool who’s balls aren’t eaten.
There are tiers? I must not be an internet person.
the tiers are just that user’s headcanon, actually memes are on a spectrum of interdependency
memes are on a spectrum
Autistic memes are lit tho
you’re not a person?
Me explaining why anything is the way it is at work…
Well you see…before I started they had this hare-brained idea, and I’ve been trying to fix it every year since.
My career has been long enough that in hindsight I’ve been the one with the harebrained idea and I swear it was a good idea at the time!
At the time it was the best way to duct tape over someone else’s long-forgotten but recently uncovered cut corner.
And so the cycle continues.
It’s the circle of life and it moves us all.
Aha! We’ve cut so many corners it’s rounded into a circle!
Did we win or lose?
This is the bad thing about finding a good employer…the type you feel okay staying at a long time because they treat you well, the pay is reasonable and the benefits are great.
That’s where I’m at now, and I’m starting to get bit in the ass by my own harebrained ideas, too.
especially if they don’t know what a trans person is
Who doesn’t know what a trans person is?
You’d be surprised lol
One of the funniest that shows just how little people know is this, a conversation I heard from someone like a month ago: “[name] is nonbinary, she uses they/them pronouns right?”
for context this is a Gen z person, not even a retired grandma who doesn’t go around queer people at all, there was a group of really fruity folk next to them about dieing for their whole conversation“his pronouns are they/them” type energy
dies from cringe
I often laugh about things that are not always funny haha but sometimes horrible nonsense. So now when I laugh about it, my wife gives me the “do I want to know or not” look and I have an escape route to tell her its not really something funny or something she wouldn’t think is funny
You sonofabitch, I’m in.
So there’s this kid and it’s about a heist parody…wait let me start over. Theres this show with a smart old guy and a kid, kinda like back to the future, but like…