Here’s something we could fix:
We have no recall option! WTF! We should have such a mechanism. We should ask Congress to enact a law where we the people can recall the president via votes if we can collect enough signatures just like we are able to do for other things.
We do. It’s the 2nd amendment. Literally what it was written for, the forceful reclamation of democratic freedom should it be taken by a tyrannical leadership. Too bad everyone that actually gives a damn about that option is on red team, and blue team thinks the 2nd amendment is for killing children and nothing else.
Too bad everyone that actually gives a damn about that option is on red team, and blue team thinks the 2nd amendment is for killing children and nothing else.
Thank you for acknowledging the quiet leftists who take responsibility for ourselves. I’ve been really upset with the crisis-mining nonstop drama panic rhetoric and dis-education about firearms from the Democratic party and their sockpuppet gun-panic action groups.
(While they openly perpetuate systematic issues that increase likelihood of gun violence, of course.)
Now firearms ownership is disproportionately in the hands of conspiracy nuts and goose-stepping good-ol-boys, while many liberals are dogmatically hoplophobic and ignorant about them.
Reminder that the Socialist Rifle Association is a thing.
Educate your friends, get them out to the range, and by Almighty God keep close social ties on each other’s mental health.
I want to solve our problems with words and witty reparté, but all those safeguards are quickly breaking down and we’re seeing an increasing threat of mobilizing angry everyday-sadists looking to hurt people, and stern memorandums aren’t gonna cut it.
We do. It’s the 2nd amendment. Literally what it was written for, the forceful reclamation of democratic freedom should it be taken by a tyrannical leadership.
Except that’s not what it was written for. That’s a modern interpretation.
The 2nd amendment was written because Madison believed a standing army would make the Federal government too powerful, so he didn’t want a large standing army. He wanted each state to have a militia made up of citizens. He changed his mind on the matter after the War of 1812.
You know the 2nd amendment wasn’t about allowing overthrows of the government because the government put down rebellions with weapons in the years following its adoption.
I believe in the 2nd Amendment, but certainly NOT to overthrow the government for light and transient causes. I don’t take Trump lightly, but he hasn’t turned into a total despot yet. There is grave risk, but there’s also a chance his abuses will lead to reforms that limit Executive branch powers. I think many non-Republicans like our guns as much as Republicans, but we don’t bluster about them and unlike Republicans we don’t rebel because our candidate lost an election.
This is exactly why I’ve always maintained that the 2nd amendment against tyranny is complete and utter horseshit. There will never, ever, be a case in which civilians can take up arms against the US government and have any remote shot of doing anything. Any tyrannical government will get to where they are with such significant support they will be so ridiculously protected you’d have to take on the entire military and legal branches of the USA.
In 1814 when everyone had a flintlock pistol? Sure. Now? Have fun getting remote drone striked before you even step foot into Washington D.C.
The Taliban won and they don’t have advanced technology.
Yeah, let’s just organize 100,000+ people right under the nose of the US government, on the damn homefront, to overthrow a tyrannical government, all the while being spied on via every backdoor on Earth by the NSA. Good luck and have fun having your house burned down.
Let’s pretend any of that actually matters and the US government doesn’t have a history of losing to locals, and ask the following: what happens if you willingly disarm yourself? Criminals will still have guns, your police will still shoot “less-lethal” rounds into the heads of protesters, and you will still be oppressed.
What do you get out of this? A fraction of the illusion of safety? And all it cost you was the last defense against oppression anyone has.
I really don’t care to get into overarching discussion of the 2nd amendment, it’s been done to death. It’s also not what this conversation was about.
When CW II kicks off some people will be caught, some people will be thrown in prison, and some people will be killed.
Remember it’s “home of the brave”, not “home of the cowards”.
Remember it’s “home of the brave”, not “home of the cowards”.
I have yet to be proven otherwise.
It’s already been proven.
Then just move. I know the current administration is happy you are spreading propaganda that states to roll over since there’s nothing to do. You are the maga hero.
Look, I’m not saying to just roll over, but wtf are we supposed to do. The second amendment is there, I don’t see anyone utilizing it, and I don’t think they ever will.
The 2A is there for you to do things, but it’s not only simply about rising up. It’s about instrumentalization. When every citizen can be armed “just in case”, all you need is for that to statistically compound into a Luigi or two getting three lucky marked shots on the tyrant du jour.
Is this real? Nobody is reporting on it.
Why does the flag have no stars?
Because the image quality is poor
Performative resistance from inside the machine. Cute gesture, but distress signals only work when someone’s actually coming to help. Meanwhile, career diplomats keep writing memos and processing visas while posting their quiet protests on social.
Remember when we thought these symbols meant something would change? Now it’s just content for the outrage cycle. Tomorrow there’ll be a strongly worded letter, maybe some resigned LinkedIn posts from mid-level FSOs.
The machinery keeps grinding, upside down flag or not. Though I suppose watching institutional despair go viral is peak 2025.
I disagree. Yes, this isn’t the same thing as direct sabotage or anything like that, but I think symbolic gestures like this can be extremely important for morale.
I know that it makes me feel slightly better to see that I’m not alone in my frustrations.
Oh sweetie, let me break this down in terms you might understand. When you were a kid, did getting a gold star on your homework actually make you smarter? No? Same thing here.
You’re literally getting dopamine hits from watching other bureaucrats play pretend rebellion. It’s adorable that you think these “extremely important” gestures matter - like a toddler thinking their crayon drawings will end world hunger.
Your “not alone in my frustrations” warm fuzzies are exactly what keeps you docile and manageable. But I get it - thinking is hard, and feeling is easy. Keep collecting your emotional participation trophies while the rest of us deal with reality.
Want to make actual change? Learn how systems work instead of clapping for performative theatre. But that would require effort, wouldn’t it?
Bro what? You ok?
Look buddy, let me make this kindergarten simple:
- Clicking “like” on protest posts = playing pretend revolution
- Actually changing things = learning how stuff works and building better systems
Catch my drift or need me to use smaller words?
I mean the US is certainly in distress
Definitely. Do we know if the people who wanted a criminal moron in charge are still cheering him on, or are they starting to catch on to the fact that his plan always was to thoroughly fuck everyone over? Well, everyone but his clique.
They’re still cheering. No other awareness to be had
As long as the right people get hurt they’re happy.
Republicans would shit their own pants just to make us smell it.
They’re gonna be a lot less happy when they try putting armed citizens in camps and they get fucking shot.
Holy hell, the shit the pants statement is so on point.
Time has shown that these motherfuckers don’t even care if “the right people get hurt”
As long as there is hurt, and their preferred propaganda machine tells them, they’re happy.
They do care. They’re ok with people in authority hurting them but if a minority does, someone lesser than them, they’ll burn a fucking neighborhood down to get them.
They’re completely caught in the misinfo and still cheering him on. Anyone getting hurt must have deserved it and if they’re getting hurt it just shows how important it is to hurt the others back.
It’s funny to think that any of these comments are relevant. Are you new to the internet maybe?. The best I can do is hope to influence. The best an American can do is contact people already working to correct this and ask them what needs doing. This leads me to wonder how all the Americans are posting in this thread, being that they are all so exhausted. Why not go to sleep? Then wake up later and get in touch and involved.
It’s almost like Americans are here trying to convince themselves there is nothing they can do.
How brave of you. What a testament to your freedoms. What a fine demonstration of what it truly means to be American: A blame shifting, feckless inheritor of a once great country. All hype. No substance, apart from the folds of blubber around their mid sections. What a legacy. All your talk of freedom backed by nothing. FREEDOM!
You sound like either a Russian propaganda account or a clueless asshole.
Clueless? Arevyou denying that the American president is threatening Canada? And let’s be honest, it’s more likely he is a Russian agent than I am.
Because freedom is propaganda unless you fit certain demographics. Otherwise, everyday you’re just surviving.
White dudes can walk around heavily armed, try that as a black dude and see how free you are. We can’t even go for a run in a lot of places without the cops or neighborhood watch showing up.
So shut the fuck up and stop blaming people caught in this bullshit and do something to help.
No thanks. I’m done sugar-coating it for Americans. They are all too good at doing that for themselves.
This is the only post that matters.
Why not go to sleep? Then wake up later and get in touch and involved.
Because that would require more effort than posting a comment online.