Definitely. Do we know if the people who wanted a criminal moron in charge are still cheering him on, or are they starting to catch on to the fact that his plan always was to thoroughly fuck everyone over? Well, everyone but his clique.
They do care. They’re ok with people in authority hurting them but if a minority does, someone lesser than them, they’ll burn a fucking neighborhood down to get them.
They’re completely caught in the misinfo and still cheering him on. Anyone getting hurt must have deserved it and if they’re getting hurt it just shows how important it is to hurt the others back.
Definitely. Do we know if the people who wanted a criminal moron in charge are still cheering him on, or are they starting to catch on to the fact that his plan always was to thoroughly fuck everyone over? Well, everyone but his clique.
They’re still cheering. No other awareness to be had
As long as the right people get hurt they’re happy.
Republicans would shit their own pants just to make us smell it.
They’re gonna be a lot less happy when they try putting armed citizens in camps and they get fucking shot.
Time has shown that these motherfuckers don’t even care if “the right people get hurt”
As long as there is hurt, and their preferred propaganda machine tells them, they’re happy.
They do care. They’re ok with people in authority hurting them but if a minority does, someone lesser than them, they’ll burn a fucking neighborhood down to get them.
Holy hell, the shit the pants statement is so on point.
They’re completely caught in the misinfo and still cheering him on. Anyone getting hurt must have deserved it and if they’re getting hurt it just shows how important it is to hurt the others back.