It’s funny to think that any of these comments are relevant. Are you new to the internet maybe?. The best I can do is hope to influence. The best an American can do is contact people already working to correct this and ask them what needs doing. This leads me to wonder how all the Americans are posting in this thread, being that they are all so exhausted. Why not go to sleep? Then wake up later and get in touch and involved.
It’s almost like Americans are here trying to convince themselves there is nothing they can do.
How brave of you. What a testament to your freedoms. What a fine demonstration of what it truly means to be American: A blame shifting, feckless inheritor of a once great country. All hype. No substance, apart from the folds of blubber around their mid sections. What a legacy. All your talk of freedom backed by nothing. FREEDOM!
Because freedom is propaganda unless you fit certain demographics. Otherwise, everyday you’re just surviving.
White dudes can walk around heavily armed, try that as a black dude and see how free you are. We can’t even go for a run in a lot of places without the cops or neighborhood watch showing up.
So shut the fuck up and stop blaming people caught in this bullshit and do something to help.
It’s funny to think that any of these comments are relevant. Are you new to the internet maybe?. The best I can do is hope to influence. The best an American can do is contact people already working to correct this and ask them what needs doing. This leads me to wonder how all the Americans are posting in this thread, being that they are all so exhausted. Why not go to sleep? Then wake up later and get in touch and involved.
It’s almost like Americans are here trying to convince themselves there is nothing they can do.
How brave of you. What a testament to your freedoms. What a fine demonstration of what it truly means to be American: A blame shifting, feckless inheritor of a once great country. All hype. No substance, apart from the folds of blubber around their mid sections. What a legacy. All your talk of freedom backed by nothing. FREEDOM!
You sound like either a Russian propaganda account or a clueless asshole.
Clueless? Arevyou denying that the American president is threatening Canada? And let’s be honest, it’s more likely he is a Russian agent than I am.
Because freedom is propaganda unless you fit certain demographics. Otherwise, everyday you’re just surviving.
White dudes can walk around heavily armed, try that as a black dude and see how free you are. We can’t even go for a run in a lot of places without the cops or neighborhood watch showing up.
So shut the fuck up and stop blaming people caught in this bullshit and do something to help.
No thanks. I’m done sugar-coating it for Americans. They are all too good at doing that for themselves.
Because that would require more effort than posting a comment online.
This is the only post that matters.