The circumference of some unit wheel. If you make a wheel that is 1 unit in diameter in any unit that you please and measure things by placing a mark on the wheel where it touches ground at your start point and counting off full revolutions as you roll the wheel, stopping when that same mark is at the bottom then your measurements are always going to be count X size of unit X pi. If you do more than one such measurement in total then all of your measurements are going to be divisible by the size of unit and pi. If there’s any record of what that unit is (and if you engage in a lot of trade there just might be), then the whole thing becomes kind of obvious when someone converts to the lengths to your units and always gets a multiple of pi.
Yeah, if the historians know what the unit is - obviously. My entire point was that the original “quote”, if you can call it that, fails to address this.
That is not what divisibility commonly refers to. In the normal context, one number is divisible by another if the division yields an integer. 4 is said to be divisible by 2 but not by 3.
With your definition:
It would not make sense to say something is “perfectly” divisible. Duh, everything is divisible by everything except zero.
It would not be surprising that the length of the piramid is divisible by pi. Duh, everything is divisible by everything except zero.
The response to that statement would not need to mention circles at all. Duh, everything is divisible by everything except zero.
The post refers to d = C/π turning out to be an integer. Therefore, what unit did they measure C in?
Why are you bringing the speed of light into this? Also, d is 6 inches.
Gave me a chuckle.
🤓🤫errmmm akshuallly speed of light is almost always lowercase c
The circumference of some unit wheel. If you make a wheel that is 1 unit in diameter in any unit that you please and measure things by placing a mark on the wheel where it touches ground at your start point and counting off full revolutions as you roll the wheel, stopping when that same mark is at the bottom then your measurements are always going to be count X size of unit X pi. If you do more than one such measurement in total then all of your measurements are going to be divisible by the size of unit and pi. If there’s any record of what that unit is (and if you engage in a lot of trade there just might be), then the whole thing becomes kind of obvious when someone converts to the lengths to your units and always gets a multiple of pi.
Yeah, if the historians know what the unit is - obviously. My entire point was that the original “quote”, if you can call it that, fails to address this.
No, it does not say integer. It says “all the sides being divisible by pi” aka “a ratio of pi”
That is not what divisibility commonly refers to. In the normal context, one number is divisible by another if the division yields an integer. 4 is said to be divisible by 2 but not by 3.
With your definition:
It would not make sense to say something is “perfectly” divisible. Duh, everything is divisible by everything except zero.
It would not be surprising that the length of the piramid is divisible by pi. Duh, everything is divisible by everything except zero.
The response to that statement would not need to mention circles at all. Duh, everything is divisible by everything except zero.
Look, if you don’t understand math just say so.