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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • You should doubt everything you hear. Pull it apart and see if the pieces themselves make any sense. Examine the logic and look for flaws in it that make the conclusion invalid. Ask questions.

    You SHOULD doubt me, absolutely. Hold everything up to the light. A very important question to ask is “why am I being told this? Who’s interests is served by telling me this?” Examine every piece.

    For example, in the article, notice how everything is “seemingly” “implied” or “appears to”. Those aren’t definitive words. Those are gossip words. No concrete claim is actually made. Just the appearance of one. The sources are just other random Twitter comments speculating.

  • Cool, that wasn’t this.

    They used company computers to do another companies work. That’s theft. Just like you want to comment on wage theft and the like, this is employee theft. Now, if you want to argue that it’s justified, that’s one thing. But don’t reframe this as “well they were just doing nothing anyways”. No, they used computers and resources that explicitly weren’t theirs for their own benefit. Sounds A LOT like the wage theft you want to complain about when it’s an employer doing it, but suddenly it’s ok when the tables are turned. Nah, it’s still an immoral act.

  • Then get behind the people doing 4 WFH jobs. Use GOOD examples to further this idea. Not people blatantly perpetrating fraud and acting like they’re heros. We need strong cases, not ones easily broken down and dismissed. This case is too easily in favor of the employers. Is capitalism shit? Sure. But you’re literal job is to be available during those hours. Hiding the fact that you’re doing another job using company time and resources, is fraud, plain and simple. If you didn’t think it was fraud, would you have hidden it?

  • Read the actual articles detailing what they did. It was fraud. If you legit think this is ok, then you are advocating for lying and cheating to get what you want, which, I dunno, I thought that was EXACTLY what you despised about the capitalists.

    So funny how the oppressed always wants to become the oppressor. You’re not arguing for a better world, just one where you “get yours”.

  • Well Fargo fired people for working a second job ON COMPANY TIME, USING COMPANY RESOURCES AND COMPUTERS.


    They abso-fucking-lutely deserved this. Don’t get behind this story and act like it’s employers being shitty when it was employees faking working their main job using mouse/keyboard idlers to work a second job during time they were being paid by the first job for, using resources provided by the first job.

    Work 2 jobs separately? Big whoop. Being paid for your time to do a job and you do a completely different job in that time using your employers resources? Hell, be glad they didn’t sue you.

    Get behind real issues, not this. This just makes you look like the reddit anti work mod who got interviewed and complained that they couldn’t support themselves as a dog walker for 2 hours a week. It makes YOU look unreasonable.

  • You realize many guns can be made full auto just by filling down or replacing a single part and the spring, right? It’s been an issue for DECADES. This law was just reactionary legislation and didn’t actually impact mass shootings. It being gone doesn’t really change anything other than one less law to enforce.

    Does America have a gun problem? Yes. Does it have an ass backwards bureaucracy problem? Also yes.

  • fishos@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldJust a reminder
    18 days ago

    You’re literally the one who said that since 1993 they have only had 6 months of actual unopposed power. You’re literally the person saying “In the last 3 decades, the Democrats have only had the ability to do anything for a grand total of 6 months.”

    How the fuck isn’t that an ineffectual party? Would you go to a doctor that can only help you for 6 months out of 30 YEARS? But somehow this is okay when talking about the Democrats? You’re not immediately thinking “well what have these jackasses been doing this whole time?”.

    Cus you absolutely should. And if you’re only answer is “well the Rs are better at it than them”, you either have to change tactics or find another team. You’ve already admitted you’re the losers.

    Going back to the car metaphor: you’re over here complaining that you could do so many things with your supercar, if only the Rs would let you have some gas. Meanwhile, there are electric supercars being built that don’t need gas. A completely different avenue to take. Instead of fighting for gas, you just build the best electric supercar instead and outrun them.

    The Dems are over here begging for gas when there are plenty of other parties building that electric supercar.