I got medical cocaine once. I had a chemical burn on my eyeball from inadvertently spraying shave gel into it, so that it underwent the get to foam reaction under my eyelid (the bottle slipped and I reflexively grabbed it). It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced, by far and I’ve broken bones without realizing it.
I was in the ER, literally writhing in pain, and they were asking me questions I couldn’t really answer at the moment, so the dr got annoyed (?) and gave me some eye drops. The INSTANT they hit my eye, the pain disappeared and I was suddenly able to breathe normally, sit still, and be a person. It only lasted a little bit (maybe 5-15 minutes, but I can’t really remember), so they reapplied them a few times while I was there. I tried to get them to give me some to take home and they were weirdly cagey about it, and then they explained that it was a cocaine solution. I then asked if it was just 10% in saline solution or what and the doctor made me promise that I knew I could not buy pure enough cocaine to put in my injured eye safely.
This reminds me of thos story where our chemistry teacher was talking about some chemical that was dangerous (I genuinely don’t remember what) and said X amount could probably blow up the classroom. It was fascinating. One kid was excited (as anyone would be) and was just sort of like “no way! That’s cool!” nothing really suspicious, but then she got weird and said she’d probably have to report him. Idk if she actually did or anything. That teacher was sort of an ass and she also had a bone to pick with that kid for some reason.
But they won’t put it in their drink. The hypocrisy 😤
I’m actually more concerned about all the plastic they manufacture per year.
And people shit themselves over Keurig cups. Fuck me. A single coke bottle or fast-food drink contains far more plastic.
“bUt SinGlE uSe covfefe!”
Yeah, so are pop bottles and I pack them out of the woods and waterways almost everyday. Never found a Keurig cup. No other environmental concern goes to show how fucking stupid people are.
BTW: Plastic straws? Gather one or several on every trip, woods or water. “But those are a fake problem meant to put pollution onus on the user!” Well, users chunk 'em everywhere; bottle caps as well.
Pro tip: Keurig cups are ideal for seedlings. Perfect size, already have holes in the bottom. Gather and dry some moss, boom, seedlings. When they grow out a bit, use the plastic McDonald’s cups. I cannot imagine why people buy plastic pots. Morons.
Pro tip 2: Keep the thick plastic bottles you use or find. Perfect frozen water for a cooler pack or a trip. Old gf used to freeze a milk jug for a 2-3 day kayaking trip.
Why would opioid manufacturers need cocaine? I thought cocaine wasn’t an opiate, so wouldn’t they just be drug manufacturers?
Opioid manufactures also manufacture other drugs, like pharmaceutical grade cocaine. That’s the only connection I can see - I don’t think the cocaine molecule is similar enough to opioids for it so be a useful precursor.
Put it back in the drink you dipshits
“But officer, I got it from the store, its FDA APPROVED, ITS LEGAL!”
Man, if they had put enough in the drink to have a noticable effect just imagine taking a swig of it and the feeling going from fizzy/sweet/bitter to tingling/numb. A drink that just numbs your mouth.
A controlled substance is just that - you have to have the appropriate permits and approvals to be able to manufacturer and supply it.
The cost of drugs in the media and government talk are almost always wrong.
two million grams of cocaine
Where I live a relatively pure gram goes for €60/g. So that’s €120 million worth of pure cocaine.
I think the price that they used is the price they dare ask in the medical world. Which I’ve seen to be up to $500/g in small quantities. (Posted online by a science student who saw it listed on a certified vendor website). So even if that’s the amount they put on it that would still only be $1 billion instead of 3, and that’s not even wholesale.
All drugs should be legal.
I’d say there’s a pretty damn good argument for making them illegal for kids…
Edit: I wonder if the downvoters are cool with kids getting access to tobacco. Because this is the result: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-NMQxt0YA4
They didn’t say legal for all ages. There’s already laws against underage consumption of substances. I don’t think anyone is saying give cocaine or tobacco to children.
“All drugs should be legal” doesn’t sound like there are exceptions for children to me.
You’re just pointlessly arguing semantics here. Why?
Because troll, that’s why
Or I just interpreted it differently from you.
If they only (freely) sold cocaine but stopped producing all the plastics I think they would greatly improve their effect on the world.