UPDATE EDIT: https://i.imgur.com/5nM7cBC.png I got unbanned.
Context: I was making fun of a conservative who suggested everyone who supports Ukraine should join the war. In other words, I was making fun of a person who seemingly was the one inciting violence by telling people to go to war.
Post itself: https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/s/ZeY9OMxwXB
I got temp banned twice for quoting from The Godfather (I guess the algorhythm hasn’t seen it) and then perm banned for various Dt related quips and “ban avoidance”. Shit is exhausting.
Yup I got a permanent ban for saying something about tossing a particular president in the wood chipper… only yo come across a sub where everyone was literally saying the same thing… like wtf
I would have to surmise it was likely an automod ban for including the phrase “kill yourself” in the comment, regardless of the context. The bots don’t look at context, and is why they suck so fucking much.
This is why we need to hand moderation over to AI! /s
I gave up on Reddit after a decade last month because I could no longer post ANYTHING without getting banned. It became a much bigger source of stress than it was informative or entertaining. My mental health has been much improved since I deleted my account.
I got a “warning” for replying to someone joking “maybe it’s your fault for breathing lol”. Wouldn’t even tell me what I did, the whole thread was a joke, not serious at all.
On fb, I once got a 72hr ban for writing “Blow up your TV”, on a post relating to John Prine, for … you guessed it - “Inciting Violence”.
I deleted that 20yo account on Jan 20th.
The thread itself is such a stupid gotcha as well. “Oh if you like Ukraine so much go die in Donetsk!” Lol no bro there is such a huge gulf between “we should help Ukranians fight for their freedom with military equipment/funding” and “I personally will die for Ukraine” that the point doesn’t even get off the ground
I already assume half the posters are bots or shills. No use in arguing with NPCs
What’s “reddit”?
A miserable pile of secrets!
But enough talk. Delete your accounts!
This system is so easily gamed by report spam. I’ve gotten multiple warnings on my account for “violence” removed after appealing, their system is automating this somehow and it’s not doing a good job. Really that’s just the story of Reddit for the past several years, they cast a wide net and piss off a lot of people now. They used to be a lot more hands-off but now they’re just controlling fuckwits.
I usually put comments like this in quotations to make it clearer that I’m not endorsing the heinous statement.
I mean I get what you were saying but lots of people like to misinterpret things so it’s just easier to make it super obvious.
I think I see the problem. You were talking to absolute idiots.
If you got banned from /r/conservative, well, easy to see why. Snowflakes don’t like to have their feelings challenged.
If you got banned from Reddit as a whole, guessing there was some automated filter that picked up the words “kill yourself” and a bot decided that was close enough.
I got perma-banned for saying I wish Marjorie Taylor green would trip and swallow her own head.
Funniest way to get permabanned
That sub is the biggest amalgamation of whiny pussies you can find on Reddit.*
Which is an accomplishment.
The best part is: They laugh at the liberal left for being trigger happy snowflakes that need a safe space because they are too scared of being bullied aka. disagreed with, WHILE CREATING A SAFE SPACE BECAUSE THEY ARE TRIGGER HAPPY SNOWFLAKES WHO BAN ANYONE WHO MIGHT DISAGREE WITH THEM BECAUSE TO THEM THATS LIKE BULLYING.
*Formal apology to anatomical pussies. You don’t deserve to be compared to that
“Nutsacks” is my go-to anatomy to denote weakness.