Israel has voted against a United Nations General Assembly resolution calling to reaffirm Ukraine’s territorial integrity, rejecting a strongly worded condemnation of Russia’s invasion of its neighbor on the third anniversary of the war.
Eighteen countries voted against the resolution, 93 voted in favor, and 65 abstained.
Because Israel has close ties with Russian oligarchs. And we know why the US voted that way. Trump had his anal vibrator set to max by Vlad to make sure he followed orders.
I dont think people in the US understand or even care about Israel/Russia relations. They also dont understand Israeli antipathy against christians. Americans just think whatever the owners of their favorite media outlets tells them to think. You almost have to admire whoever put that sort of brainwashing system together over time. Its horrifically awful, but well crafted and effective brainwashing. Chefs kiss.
Some of the most violent settlers into Israel came from Russian Jewish sects. These were the first conflicts with the Arabs at the time. Russian Israelis were happy to spill blood for their settlement rights. Court cases through out the years show it.
No not the people of the US, but the government isn’t the people anymore.
More likely Israel wants Russia to cut links with Iran so they can bomb them without interference
I am 1000% ok with any country invading israel
Israel is not a country it is a colonization project maintain by weapon supply from the US along with being a tax and pedophile heaven for people.
Or the US. Or Russia
Russia at least had a legitimate defence case with Ukraine. Ukrainians in new territories are given full citizen rights - Palestinians can only dream. Israel is a blatant colonization project killing people for space.
Sure, they did, when Ukraine started a war with Russia right? Oh wait, that’s not what happened, Russia invaded Ukraine. Stop with the colonization excuse bullshit. Israel and russia are the same
There must be a lot of soul-searching taking place in Berlin tonight after Germany ended up voting against Israel at the UN.
I am actually quite relieved about it, as it demonstrates that germany is not just appeasing israel by the bon mot of “never again”. It is actually taken seriously. Despite a bunch of eastern germans voting for neo-nazis because they are undereducated, economically disadvantaged and clearly living in an information bubble.
It is actually taken seriously.
I’ll believe it when they stop selling Israel weapons.
Germany has conceded on optics but they still provide 30% of the weapons for the genocide on Palestinians.
Euro-Maga, basically…
Fuck propaganda has done a number on these people, exploiting their anger by pointing it to the wrong people.
So I guess we are the new axis of evil.
Sorry about this guys. No hard feelings when you split us in to East/West America.
Off to make a fake wall to hide my neighbor’s family from the Gesta… from ICE.
The Axis of Evil Fascists.
Israel was never on the right side, but that didn’t stop Biden from flushing our country down the toilet for the sake of their genocide against Palestinians…
The Republicans won. You don’t need to pile on Joe Biden anymore.
The Republicans won, and now the Palestinians will now feel the full weight of Donald Trump’s love.
That’s the guy that Benjamin Netanyahu gave a golden pager as a gift.
Unless you’re really just trying to boost the Republican party. In that case, certainly keep whining about Joe Biden.
Most Americans have heard the idiom:
Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
So if we’re questioning the motivations of social media accounts…
What is your opinion on ones that try to suppress people from learning about why trump was elected president not once, but twice?
Do you know why Biden had a complete falling out with Bibi and why Bibi was quite clearly going behind Biden and supporting Trump’s reelection? Do you know why Biden and Harris had no good choices when it came to Israel/Palestine ahead of the election?
If you want to know why people elected Trump not once but twice, I’d start with the Citizen’s United decision and the complete stranglehold right wing media has in controlling the national narrative in this country. That’s a hint to the last question as well.
Continuing to never hold Democrats accountable for their terrible decisions will surely improve the party this time, I suppose.
We are fighting literal fascists. Do you really think blaming the non-fascists will prevent these dishonest actors from doing their worst to ruin your life? It is by far the stupidest and most unhelpful position to blame the failings of the democratic position for the rise of the autocrats, when the latter are actively working to get into power.
Does an ethnostate that is carrying out a genocide as part of its program of ethnic cleansing count as fascism? Now what do you call people who supply that ethnostate with billions in weapons?
Well all I know is that now we’re going full-throttle on not one but 2 genocides, including the one in Ukraine with even less of a chance to dissuade this administration than the previous on either so… Overall I’d call them, better.
That is so low of a bar to clear that it’s not noteworthy at all.
I think it’s a pretty high bar to say that 2 genocides > 1 genocide and Option 2 was more persuadable than Option 1.
But I’ll be sure to relay to Ukrainians that you believe, by extension, that they’re not noteworthy at all.
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I haven’t seen any evidence of the DNC fighting fascists at all.
They are arguing in bad faith to help the fascists. They are in every thread that they can use to promote their anti democrat talking points.
Just wanted to point out that if you had scrolled down you can see where I’m getting steadily downvoted for defending Ken Martin and telling people I have faith in the new DNC leadership and we should judge him on his (very impressive) political body of work and not a single answer to a question he was asked during the chair campaign…
Like, it’s just wild to have people call me an “anti dem” trying to fracture the party and others accusing me of being a billionaire bootlicker for defending the DNC in the same thread.
And I checked the timestamps, those comments were there hours before you made this comment.
Not trying to get in a debate or anything, was just too crazy not to comment on.
Bad actors try to hide that they are bad actors.
Those comments don’t undo all the work you’ve done for the GOP.
The ability for those on the left to eat each other up never disappoints.
The punishment of the Democrats by electing Trump will surely improve the plight of Palestinians this time, I suppose.
I dont think you should blame democratic voters for the DNC leaders ignoring them and doing whatever donors pay them to do.
Now Donald Trump will handle things. Surely, the plight of Palestinians will improve, now that the nasty democrats have been punished.
“We’ll continue to take money from the Good Billionaires” - New DNC head
Both parties are owned by the wealthy, which is why you don’t see Corporate democrats fighting against this shit. Their job is to make sure that if things don’t go red, at least they won’t go too blue. A good chunk (and the controlling collective) of the democratic party are more than happy to play the controlled opposition as they rake in your money to ensure you can’t use it to meaningfully make change.
It’s the strings that are the issue…
I’ve seen a couple people repeating the “good billionaires” bit, but not a single on that links a source when referring to it…
“There are a lot of good billionaires out there that have been with Democrats, who share our values, and we will take their money,” Ken Martin, a leading candidate for Chair of the Democratic Party, said at a forum on Sunday. “But we’re not taking money from those bad billionaires.”
But I encourage people to Google it themselves, if only to see 99.9% of the results are from rightwing bullshit like Daily Caller.
Like, how do you think Martin should have responded?
We won’t take any donations from someone with more than $999,999,999.99 in wealth.
If we run a candidate who’s values authentically align with what Dem voters want, why turn down donations?
If the platform isn’t changing because of a donation, why not take the donation in the general?
I think you might have the same misunderstanding as Jacobin:
Ken Martin wants us to believe that there is some definite cohort of “good billionaires” who can be relied upon to fight for political progress, but the tech-industrial complex is showing us exactly why this isn’t the case.
He didn’t say that they could be relied on.
He said he’d take their fucking money.
Why do you think that’s an unpragmatic strategy?
I remember when Elon Musk was a “good billionaire” friend. In my opinion there are no good billionaires because the pursuit of money to that extent requires exploitation and abuse on a grand scale.
So yeah I don’t give a fuck if he has all the money in the world, I don’t think money should be the deciding factor in elections. I don’t think that any string a billionaire offers is worth it.
If we run a candidate who’s values authentically align with what Dem voters want, why turn down donations?
Because they can tell you all day that they align with your values and then suddenly they don’t. Remember Elon Musk? Tech billionaire, “real life tony stark”, whose electric vehicles were going to usher in a new era of renewable transportation… People lie.
He didn’t say that they could be relied on. He said he’d take their fucking money. Why do you think that’s an unpragmatic strategy?
Because I understand how the world works? That concessions are made in back room deals and that the money doesn’t change hands until the buyer feels confident they are getting what they want? We know how this goes.
I would forego all billionaire donations to ensure the party wasn’t being controlled by back room interests, you know the deals made to get the contribution? They aren’t adhering to campaign finance limits they are drowning out normal Americans with their outside influence.
“Billionaire campaign spending on this scale drowns out the voices and concerns of ordinary Americans. It is one of the most obvious and disturbing consequences of the growth of billionaire fortunes, as well as being a prime indicator that the system regulating campaign finance has collapsed,” said David Kass, ATF’s executive director.
I remember when Elon Musk was a “good billionaire” friend
That’s like saying you remember when Santa was real…
You don’t, you remember when you thought Santa was real.
I’m not saying leave milk and cookies out, I’m saying if you’re parent want to get you an extra gift, don’t throw it away because the tag says “from Santa”.
Because I understand how the world works? That concessions are made in back room deals and that the money doesn’t change hands until the buyer feels confident they are getting what they want? We know how this goes.
We knew how it went.
Martin is saying that is no longer the case, but he’s not turning down checks.
I would forego all billionaire donations to ensure the party wasn’t being controlled by back room interests, you know the deals made to get the contribution? They aren’t adhering to campaign finance limits they are drowning out normal Americans with their outside influence.
That’s all reasons to keep outside money out of the primary which I am 100% on board with.
Like, it all comes down to your opinion is that if someone takes the check they have to owe a favor. The people writing the check almost certainly expect it…
But it’s not like they can sue and say their donation was a bribe and they didn’t get what they want.
You realize that right?
A “back room deal” even if exists isn’t legally binding, that’s where the term comes from.
Candidates take donations from average voters and then don’t try to do what the donors wanted, why not do it with billionaires?
"But I encourage people to Google it "
Your insisting other people “Google it” when I’m the one that Googled it for you upon your own request, citing you 5 sources at least 3 of which were left of center on the American political spectrum.
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Yeah if you try to hold the democrats accountable Trump might win the election!
Genociders of the world unite!!! \s
Fascists gonna fash.
Hitler is applauding
Tad ironic after Ukraine went against the majority to not vote against Israel at the UN.
They don’t really have a choice. They have to suck up to the USA for weapons to defend themselves.
Zelensky kissed Netanyahu’s ass for nothing.
Sure, it could backfire…
I’m still hoping Trump’s doing some 4D chess thing here where he’s playing good cop while the rest of the world is playing bad cop. I like to think he’s in the phone to Putin like “I know everyone else hates you but I’m your mate, now let’s talk about a deal”. I’m not a fan of his or anything but I don’t think he’s stupid. You don’t get to be the President of the most powerful country in the world if you’re stupid. He may be a total bastard but he’s not stupid.
m still hoping Trump’s doing some 4D chess
That man couldn’t play chess on a straight line.
He’d try to eat the chess pieces and then blame his choking on New Zealand.
He is stupid, but moreover, he’s a Russian agent.
No, he’s stupid. He was stupid in the 80’s and nothing had changed except now he’s got dementia. We all saw during COVID lockdowns when he mused about injecting bleach or disinfectant in people to clean the COVID out?
And for the record, so is Elon Musk. Anytime he talks about something, it may sound smart to a lot of people but people with subject-matter expertise on the topic immediately recognize how stupid he is.
Unfortunately for the world, all of Trump’s cabinet picks are pretty stupid besides Scott Bissent, JD Vance, and maybe Marco Rubio.
Elon Musk is like Dan Brown’s books, what he says can only seem smart if you know nothing about the subject
Pretty sure he is exactly that though, venal and stupid. Putin bought a president on the cheap.
I’m not a fan of his or anything but I don’t think he’s stupid.
You’re fooling yourself. He’s worse than stupid, he’s demented. And a rapist. Among other character failures.
This is a goddamned disgrace.
You don’t get to be the President of the most powerful country in the world if you’re stupid.
Benefit of the doubt, most recent presidents (and politicians in general) in America are fucking idiots.
You don’t win elections by being intelligent and having good plans. You do it by being charismatic and convincing your base that you’ll do what they want. Or the other option is the incumbent is such a fucking dumpster fire people want anything else.
trump says he’ll do what his voters want and they believe him and genuinely like his personality.
They shouldn’t, but they did. Same thing they fell for with trump in 2016, GW before that, and Reagan before that and Nixon even earlier.
HW and Ford are the outliers, they had zero charisma. But they each got their single terms as continuations from Reagan and Nixon. Coincidentally they’re the only two “recent” Republican presidents I wouldn’t object to someone calling intelligent…
And Republicans rejected them for it.
Uhh, I’m pretty sure he has concepts of a plan, so jot that down.
adorably naive here, absolutely love that!
I’m sorry friend, but this is what cognitive dissonance looks like.
It’s an attempt at resolving the conflict between a belief (that Trump isn’t that bad, that a president has merit, that things will be ok) and reality, where everything we see him do is increasingly harmful, short sighted or self serving.
Actions speak louder, please re-evaluate your beliefs based on what you see him do.
Dude, what is that copium you’re on 🤣