• sunzu2@thebrainbin.org
    2 days ago

    Calling out poor spending habits =/= blaming the victim

    Y’all are delulu to be dying on this clown hill.

    • melpomenesclevage@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      1 day ago

      you’re the one who brought it up to piss on poor people in a thread about megacorporations fucking over their employees by stealing wages/tips.

        • melpomenesclevage@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          1 day ago

          but you suggested they suck off other corpos who have the exact same systems with the exact same exploitation for a slightly different product you claim does the same outcome to the consumer.

          also, the government. the government funds most of them. this ‘illusion of consumer choice’ thing is pretty delusional, and just feels like victim blaming. remember ‘plastic recycling’?

          and you didn’t answer my question about advertising. why? why spend so much on it if it doesn’t work? if people’s decisions are their own?

          • sunzu2@thebrainbin.org
            1 day ago
            1. I would tell people to fucking buy groceries and eat at home… That’s what sane people do. Saves ton of money and limits number of parasites taking an cut from 12 to like 4-5.

            2. Plastic are inevitable and it is systems issues but many products exist where plastic container can by avoided like bar of shampoo for example.

            3. Advertising works hence why people blocks ads and pay for ad free shit. It is worth it too.

            It is funny how people are this unwilling to review their consumption habits without having degree of a melt down over it. Sure we are getting fucked by corpos but it does not mean you have to make it easy for them. But the normie can’t be bothered exercising simple economic behavior like product substitution and refusing to pay for certain luxuries.

            • melpomenesclevage@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              1 day ago
              1. this is not what this thread was about. stop finding a reason to bitch about the way our culture makes collective cooking unattainable for poor people.

              2. we had society for thousands of years, and industrialized consumerist society for decades, before plastics. dude are you high? I’m ready to get on your level, for entirely altruistic understanding debatelord reasons.

              3. if advertising works, then people are not wholly, or maybe even majority, responsible for their bad decisions in favor of what corporations want them to do-consume, and consume extravagantly.

              yeah but you don’t have to make it easy

              so stop making it easy. go after the bad guys. stop fucking victim blaming and destroying people, and remind them that there is an enemy USING them, taking their fucking freedom. someone to hate. make fighting back easier, instead of blaming them.

              but the normie can’t be bothered to do the impossible fake bullshit corpos push on you to keep you from doing real resistance, because it is fake bullshit and doesn’t really work even where it exists, which is basically nowhere.

              well then. it sounds like you just discard them as people. if they’re objects, why are they worthy of hate? that would mean they’re just tools being used by their masters. break the tools or stop their masters. your entire approach here is not internally consistent.

              • sunzu2@thebrainbin.org
                1 day ago

                Deny them engagement and profit… Food delivery is peak luxury service but yet the normie keeps wasting money on it while crying about being poor lol

                You are in thread under this comment.

                I am not following this anti agency rhetoric. If people don’t help themselves, nobody is helping them. This includes being a discerning consumer.

                I spend most of my time shilling against corpos, however, purchasers have agency and they have some economic power esp on luxury goods and services segments like food delivery.

                You are having a melt down at the idea that I suggested that they should exercise some agency… Why?

                I don’t see how this is victim blaming but I got downvotes and only rebuttal so far “victim blaming” and “futile exercise” which itbmihjt be futile if only I do it. It wouldn’t be me if enough people adjusted their consumption patterns.

                • melpomenesclevage@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                  1 day ago

                  deny them engagement and profit

                  im talking about cases of disabled people, or people who for whatever reason are hungry and cannot leave the house. the alternative proposed was GROCERY delivery. which kind of gives the game away, because everything wrong with it is the same, it’s just less ‘luxury’, so poor people should be less ashamed, I guess. and that’s what my objection is to.

                  anti agency rhetoric

                  okay so why do they spend so much on advertising? I’m not saying there’s no responsibility to resist, I’m saying it’s fucking hard. I go pretty hard on it, and I think it fucks me up a little. most of my expenses beyond rent are microcontrollers, lumber, flour, oil, and vegetables. I think it has made me unfailingly cynical, even more bitter, even more cruel, even less compassionate.

                  I think a lot of people don’t have the capacity to resist that we do, and I think that real emotional labor costs us. I don’t think blaming people who have less of this capacity than you and I are the perpetrators to go after here, morally, and, more importantly: I think attacking them for it degrades their capacity to resist, but pointing out the enemy that is attacking them could increase their capacity to resist, make it easier, and give them more clarity when they’re in that fucked up exhausted fugue state we all get pretty close to sometimes.

                  don’t throw a temper tantrum and lash out at proximal causes, even if they are a part of the swiss cheese. go after the root cause, or look at what gives you the best outcomes. I think in this case those courses of action are the same.

                  • sunzu2@thebrainbin.org
                    1 day ago

                    You still using fringe case to make the point… How many of daily doordash orders are placed by disabled?