This little cunt of mine tended to inflame every other month instead of teething already. I decided to remove it, and I ended up spending almost 2 hours in surgery because it had fused into another tooth. Instead of coming out cleanly, it broke and a few fragments were left behind
Doc said it was okay to leave it as it would be absorbed or come out again eventually. Almost a year later, and the little prick sends his regards by inflaming my face completely and having to rush to surgery again.
Hopefully it was the end of that. Fuck this SOB
For anybody who thinks that animals in their natural environment are all happy…yeah imagine living for decades without any sort of dental care. Evolution is about surviving, not thriving.
It’s odd to me that anyone fantasizes about nature in general being peaceful. Especially when the plot of most nature documentaries can be summarized as “fall in love with this creature, then experience the stress of watching it struggle desperately to survive.”
Human mandible shrank a bit the last millenia, probably thanks to the rise of agricolture and easily chewable food, but that left less space for teeth to grow properly
“Intelligent Design”
Fucking LOL
I think a lot of folks assume that evolution means “all the crappy stuff whittled out over time, and only the good stuff remains” when in fact I think evolution aims for “eh, they reproduced. Good enough”
Creationist love to bring up all the wonderful things in the world. They tend not to bring up things like the recurrent laryngeal nerve or bot flies.
In fact, I think they’re confused as to why science would even bring these up. If evolution is a religion (as they often claim), why would that religion point to something so weird or ugly? The answer is that evolution just is, and it does weird and ugly things sometimes. Our job is to study the weird and ugly things it makes while also finding a better moral system than mere evolution.
Mine were growing directly sideways. I’m an evolutionary failure.
So were mine. They had to shatter most of them to get them out.
Passed out from the pain the first time I tried to eat post operation, lol
You had no pain killers?
With the pain killers! Found out that I’m very sensitive pain that day.
Oh wow, that sucks. I still have trauma’s from my lift bottom wisdom tooth (and my crackling jaw sometimes reminds me of it), but I don’t really remembering such pain. They numbed half my mouth during the procedure, so I didn’t feel anything (apart from the hammering and drilling moving my entire head). It definitely sucked when I got home, but the pain wasn’t too bad
Yea I got dry sockets after, even after being really careful. It was a nightmare. I remember lying on the floor on the carpet drooling trying to eat mac n cheese.
Mine ARE growing directly sideways 🫠 at least the bottom ones
I guess I should buy a lottery ticket, then, because my wisdom teeth came in pretty much straight. The only problem I ever have is getting anything back there for cleaning.
Evolution meant to tell you to get out of the gene pool.
Evolutionarily, it only matters that you reproduce.
I can‘t even do that. The reason: Skill issue
So that’s evolution at work.
… and that your children survive to reproduce
Otherwise we’d have no incentive to care for our kids.
We DO NOT have any incentive to grow up kids. I have never feel that impulse…
People generally have a sex drive, then develop an instinctual drive to protect their children after they are born. Of course, contraception allows us to sate our sex drive without it resulting in children, so you can choose to opt out of the evolutionary process before you develop an instinctual drive to raise children in the first place. Most people still have that instinct ready to kick in for a child that is not their own if such a situation arises, which is still evolutionarily advantageous for the group as a whole, even if it’s not for the individual.
Of course in rare cases some people lack that instinct entirely, but that’s the exception not the rule.
Yep. Very few people would waste all their money and tear up their vagina and lose all their sleep for three years, and free time for atleast a decade, on purpose. We have an evolutionary drive to.
Mine is near to 0. I have never feel that I need a kid. I have felt I need sex, but I can do it without repercussions… My response is simpler: people are idiot, have sex without protection and have kids.
I get it, but man I can’t imagine being in the mood to reproduce while nursing an infected tooth.
There’s a solution to this. Reproduce before it becomes an issue.
This is what gets me about the sentiment of “humans lived for hundreds of thousands of years without toothpaste/sunscreen/antibiotics/vaccines/etc and we were just fine!”
My dude, we were most definitely not fine. A lot of people died painful and preventable deaths, many of them children, and we’re around today because existing that way was just good enough to keep us going as a species.
“They were just fine!” You mean that the 40-60% of people who lived past 15 were just fine until about 50-70?
Just because people still lived a long time doesn’t mean they had a good time living.
Can still hear the sound of them breaking it to get it out
All four of my wisdom teeth were impacted, and it took around six hours for them to be removed. Thankfully, I was unconscious during the procedure.
Oh this was a fast one, was back in the waiting room within 15m, 10 of which was waiting for the localised pain killer to kick in before starting.
Ah yes how I remember them chiseling my tooth out with a hammer. The surgeon I had was a bad ass.
that’s me atm. luckily they’ve stopped moving and I don’t feel any pain but it’s a breeding ground of the unfunny kind
“You really shouldn’t be awake for this” - the orthodontist crushing my sideways wisdom teeth with pliers so he can rip the shards out individually.
We don’t do general anesthesia for most things dental related here in NL. But after hearing the sound bounce around in my head I wish we did.
Fuck me, my ex-wife told me she wasn’t put to sleep but thank god I was.
Then again I had 8 teeth broken off my jaw because so maybe I was a special case …
Me: does nothing
Evolution: fuck you
Your jaw got smaller and you stopped loosing teeth so fast. It’s your own fault, really.
Pre-anethesia, you mean. There were dentists around for a long time, but I don’t think you would’ve enjoyed being their patient…
Fun (horrifying) fact: the reason barber poles have red on them is to represent the blood from when they offered tooth extractions
Doesn’t it say that it is advertising bloodletting?
Born without wisdom teeth…
Not sure if that makes me more evolved or less lol
Mine’s are pointing 90° on the wrong direction.
They are dormant but I’ve warned that if they decide to start being funny I’ll be fucked. :D
mine grew in sideways too. I have had them all removed now, but my teeth are forever fucked because of them.
Depends. I had 4 at 90°. Only one hurt a little. They caused pockets, which are hard to clean (impossible by yourself) and can accelerate bone loss. I removed 3 of them. 2 by a jaw surgeon. They were creating a space bewteen molars deeper inside the bone, while also creating an opening at the top. Nasty.
Chronic inflamation of the gums don’t hurt either. Best way to tell is by a mouth hygiënist. If your gums bleed easily while flossing, it’s a good idea to keep flossing. Takes about 1-2 weeks before the gums calm down and the swelling dissipates. I use those tiny round brushes to get in between. If you start using those, m start with the thinnest wire. The metal should absolutely not scrape against the teeth, only the brush.
Taken years to form that habit…
Dude, more. 200% more as my wife and I sit her and suffer tonight. She’s getting it dealt with next month, mine rotting out while I wait to even get a luxury bone appointment.
You are the clear evolutionary winner.
I only had them on the right side. Not shure what this means evolutionary…
Better than the wrong side I guess 🤷
I went to the dentist and he was looking at me all surprised and he said, you’re jaw is so primitive, all your wisdom came through without issues.
A few years later I had to have an emergency removal because they decayed too much as I didn’t brush that far back
I saw the X-ray of my own jaw and they wanted to remove my wisdom teeth and were asking if they hurt (they don’t) because they are fully sideways and apparently pressing against a nerve.
I ain’t paying for that shit. They don’t bother me. I don’t care how gnarly it looks; it’s unnecessary and expensive.
My wife did the same as you. Ten years later her wisdom teeth, in the process of trying to get out, broke one of her other teeth so she had to not only remove them but restore her once healthy tooth. Much more expensive (and painful) this way.
I delayed it for maybe 10 years after they first started asking if I wanted to get them removed, then finally decided it was time about a year or two ago. The recovery sucked for a couple of days, but I don’t remember my bill being exceptionally bad (I think my insurance paid quite a bit though).
I think my insurance paid quite a bit though
I only have the free insurance from the state and while the health insurance is excellent and covers every single thing I can think of, the dental side sucks major balls. Getting wisdom teeth removed is considered cosmetic (by the insurance provider), so they won’t cover it at all, and pretty much any good dentist is expensive as fuck for anything but a cleaning or cavity fill without insurance.
See if you can get it done under medical
My employer uses Cigna and with them it’s $1,300. They keep asking what my pain level is and I keep telling them none. When I explain to them why I’m not getting the surgery yet they seemed absolutely baffled for some reason. They tried to get me to sign up for a medical credit card offering zero APR. I told them does zero APR mean also $0 a month, because that’s about how much I can afford. And again they acted like not moving mountains and stirring the oceans was a me thing. Absolutely fucking wild.
teeth are “luxury bones” of course and require an extra subscription service
Same thing happened to my dad when he was like 50.
They can actually seriously fuck up your mouth very quickly, and you often won’t find out until the fuckery is underway. I had two removed when the dentist told me they might cause future problems, I had no pain, but now they’re out I can actually feel my teeth kinda relaxing? I guess the pressure was there but I just got used to it.
Oh yes, the Geological Faultocalized inside my mouth. I had four of them.
It means that humans developed empathy and the scientific means to help each other avoid natural selection. Intraspecies and interspecies empathy is the cheat code against natural selection. Certain ram species, for example, also were not designed intelligently, so as they age they may grow their horns until they penetrate their skull and kill them. Natural selection is most effective when it culls prior to the life form procreating. However, thanks to the power of empathy, we can abate natural selection by performing oral surgery on humans (ideally in our adolescence for wisdom teeth removal) and by shaving rams’ horns as they age. Ideally, as science develops and empathy spreads, we can come up with more effective and painless means to ensure everybody has a chance to live and be happy.