truth warrior fighting against the forces of oppression and ai and control and also hillary clinton in a world gone mad patriot defender of our great nation AMERICA and freeze peach
warning my content may be triggering to snowflakes and libtards so proceed with caution
i had some ideas about this that i shared recently
thanks for putting the /s because at first i thought you were really calling me that
iabt we need to take the power back from the deepstate elites and return it to the proliferate
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this isnt reddit have some decency a man is dying
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this happens to me all the time
reminds me of the time you shat on someone in a francophone comm for speaking french instead of english
women 😤
its about damn time i want red white and blueland so frigging bad
the mods said im only allowed to post this here if i dont be mean to people so this is me not being mean to you
last i heard no one knows for sure ^1