If you want instant liver failure, take a shot every time someone uses an incredibly oversimplified understanding of the human brain and LLMs to assert LLMs have human properties.
Don’t go in those if you have any sort of desire to defend modern content generation/content thievery AI.
Also, yes LLM style AI has it’s uses. Mainly to generate shit that we shouldn’t need in the first place, or stuff that we should pay a person to do well. And the cost is stupid when compared to the minor benefit.
If you want instant liver failure, take a shot every time someone uses an incredibly oversimplified understanding of the human brain and LLMs to assert LLMs have human properties.
Also, shoutouts to [email protected] and [email protected]
Don’t go in those if you have any sort of desire to defend modern content generation/content thievery AI.
Also, yes LLM style AI has it’s uses. Mainly to generate shit that we shouldn’t need in the first place, or stuff that we should pay a person to do well. And the cost is stupid when compared to the minor benefit.