The largest college sports governing body in the country made the change following President Trump’s executive order banning trans girls from girls’ school sports.

    1 month ago

    I’ve been deeply frustrated by the progressive stance on trans people in professional sports.

    Anyone who began medical transitioning after puberty will have reasonably notable physical differences from cisgender people in their appropriately gendered sport. It’s similar to doping, but something their body was doing naturally with incorrect hormones that didn’t reflect their gender.

    I certainly don’t feel good about it, but I do think there is a very viable argument to disqualify those kinds of trans people (who medically transitioned after puberty) from competition. The debate becomes much more nuanced as you consider different sports where physical differences between gender matter less. Rugby, weightlifting; trans folks are out. Target shooting, chess, darts; no problem. It’s a debate to be had sport by sport, league by league. The whole issue should have been messaged that way from the beginning.

    Queer advocacy groups taking a broad “all or nothing” civil rights stance on this was a HUGE mistake. It’s an argument they were destined to lose, only affected a minuscule number of athletes, and wasted so much time and effort that could have been spent on other battles for trans rights. US Democrats take their cues on queer issues from those queer advocacy groups, so they rolled with it and got trampled.

    I really want to have a conversation with queer strategists and Democrat policy leaders to understand why this was the hill they decided to make trans rights die on.

    • RedSeries (She/Her)
      1 month ago

      Please lecture us more about how unequal we should be and how we should “just take it” when the majority disagrees. /s

      Democrats spent next to no time or money defending us during this election, so maybe don’t blame trans folks for the bigotry thrust upon them. I could talk about how much muscle mass and other body changes brings most trans folks to (normally) on par with cis competitors, or how being discriminatory this way hurts cis women (because let’s be honest, it seems none of you chucklefucks think about trans men), especially if they have POTS or another endocrine disorder. But why bother at this point?

      We’re talking about NCAA sports here, often young teens and adults who very much haven’t finished puberty. There are only something like 10 trans people out of over 500k, and these bigoted shits wrote laws to call them invalid and unable to compete or play with their peers. This shit reeks of not wanting to let black folks compete because “they can run better” or some other racist shit.

      As for your “hill to die on” shit, when have I lost enough rights and privileges to be “acceptable”? What’s the next “hill” we shouldn’t supposedly die on? Maybe going to the bathroom in public restrooms? Perhaps we should be banned from social gatherings with cis women (again, y’all don’t care about men)? How about we segregate water fountains to make sure our filthy trans lips don’t touch pristine cis water?

      Sorry, I mean, you just “chose this hill to die on”. I hope this doesn’t “make you hate trans people” or “show how unhinged trans people are”. I know I should be thankful to be alive at all, since if I get too uppity we might start talking about whether or not my transness makes me unemployable or if I’m stealing jobs from women because of my unfair puberty advantages or something.

      1 month ago

      Completely agree.

      The whole point of women’s sport leagues is because it’s unfair to have them compete against men. Trying to impose fairness with something designed to be unfair is folly.

      • Flying
        1 month ago

        “The whole point of having negro sports leagues is because it’s unfair to have them compete against whites. Trying to impose fairness with something designed to be unfair is folly.”

        Followed by:

        “There’s no rule saying that negroes can’t play in the National League.”

          1 month ago

          That’s not even close to similar since race has no significant bearing on physical capabilities as is easily proven by the Olympics results even when black people were still being excluded in North America.

          The top female athletes get absolutely wrecked at strength based sports by even mediocre male athletes. Just go look up the Williams sisters vs Braasch (tennis)

          Anyone who keeps claiming that trans athletes have zero benefit are lying to themselves. There are some who have no benefit, especially if they transitioned pre-puberty, but it’s clear as day biologically that they were literally doping for a decade of their development if they transitioned later.

          • Flying
            1 month ago

            Can you show the results where cis women and trans women have competed where it is “easily proven” that they always have an advantage?

            Do you really think Britney Griner has a disadvantage over all trans women?

              1 month ago

              Why does every trans athlete have to be better than Britney Griner for it to be unfair?

              That’s an unreasonable stance.

              Women’s sports leagues exist to eliminate men from competing where it would be unfair. Letting in anyone who surpasses ANY woman in that league simply because they were doping with Testosterone as a teenager breaks the entire spirit of why that league exists.

              There was an example of a high school wrestler who was transitioning to male that was forced (he wanted to wrestle in the boys category) to compete against girls and went 52-0 that season.

              I have no problem with Trans athletes competing in open or men’s leagues, but there hasn’t been a single trans man that has ever participated in the Olympics because without the benefit of natural testosterone during development they simply can’t compete at that level. There was one trans man who almost made the Olympics (he got to the trials leading up to the Olympics) but he didn’t succeed in making it there.

              No matter how much we want to be inclusive, and I’m all for being inclusive as much as possible, if we’ve intentionally created a lower category for competition then it should only include the people who actually belong in that category.

              We should just rename the categories from Mens and Womens to be “Over X Testosterone from ages 10-20” and “Under X Testosterone from ages 10-20” because that’s what they were really meant to represent.

              • Flying
                1 month ago

                You said it is easily proven that they always have an advantage and you are basing it on one single high school wrestler.

                That is not even close to being easily proven.

                  • Flying
                    1 month ago

                    If it isn’t always, then there isn’t an unfair advantage any more than being excessively tall is an unfair advantage in basketball.