Doesn’t matter - dems lost because people are constantly hearing the right’s narrative over and over and over again, reinforcing the idea that it’s reality.
It reminds me of how the majority of Americans thought the ACA was actually called Obamacare by Obama because he must be so vain, but now it’s on a massive scale.
We live in a world where people get to choose what is real and what is fake, and that choice is largely based on which idea is more entertaining, more emotionally satisfying to them. The right is capitalizing on this and the left is being left devastated.
The popular quote used to be ‘reality has a well-known liberal bias’. Well, now reality is whatever makes me feel angriest or scaredest and that has a well known conservative bias.
“President Trump, he continuously came and he was in the community. While I don’t believe that he’s going to enact policies that will benefit the community, he at least showed that he was willing to show up for the community,” Misner said.
Not only will his policies not benefit the Arab-American communities in the US, they will end up actively harming them, as well as any chance of Palestinians even having a tiny slice of their own in the Middle East.
Congrats, Misner, you played yourself.
Did they forget about his travel ban for Muslims? Trump made it clear he hate their kind and is a racist. Why are they surprised? For fucks sake he told Israel that he hopes they finish the job and that gaza make great real estate for them. So they deserve what they get.
It’s hard to feel bad for the people that Voted for Trump, and are now going to be hurt by him. All the information was there, and they refused to accept it in favor of an alternate , counterfactual reality.
Look I get it, the Dems didn’t do enough to win over their base and instead went to the center.
But these Dearborn folks in the article get what they deserve and should really shut the fuck up. They voted for a man who said he would extend his Muslim country travel ban to gaza and still thought somehow he was on their side.
You are a complete a total dumbass if you thought he was on your side. He has years and years of lying out of his ass and you believed him and it’s the Democrats fault? No I reject that. He literally stated in 2023 that he would extend his travel ban to Gaza. I feel like I need to take crazy pills or something, these people are insufferable.
The article states that some of them just wanted a candidate to acknowledge them, which trump did. Regardless of how he’s actually going to implement policies, he did a bare minimum for them, which reflects in the results.
No other real editorializing needed, unfortunately.
How completely pathetic some people can be. I don’t understand.
“He had a rally in my town and told me what I wanted to hear, it’s no wonder I voted for him” just makes me laugh.
You are a complete a total dumbass if you thought he was on your side.
No one in the dem party thinks trump was on their side in any way. But they also thought Biden/Harris was a rabid dog that it was important for the parties future to put down (rhetorically). Nobody owes fascism or fascism-lite a vote, and I demand better from dems if they want to continue to exist as a party at all. Centrist leaders are not kings who get to make choices like aiding terrorism and murder, and then walk away without accountability.
Not only was no one in the centrist camp doing anything for the peace vote (the anti genocide side), by shipping weapons the centrists were actively and violently acting against the human rights side and the law. Did you think you were siding with neutrality? The DNC has not been neutral in this at all. They are abetting genocide and terrorism, and violating numerous US laws and the geneva convention.
Besides the muslim vote, the youth and progressive votes were heavily influenced by this issue, and their votes were right there for the taking. The Republicans were always going to be violent and corrupt, but people had higher expectations for Dems, so Dems taking those AIPAC bribes had consequences. This seems obvious to so many but you just refuse to see that you’re siding with the baddies, not some sort of neutral crowd you could make better someday.
And do you somehow feel powerful calling people dumbasses? Its against the TOS here and you lost along with the rest of us. Its pathetic that even in utter failure you are all mouth and contrived nonsense that your side has clean hands and was trying to do the right thing.
It’s hilarious how you talk about how simple and easy it all is when you quite clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.
Everything you listed, the Republicans are guilty of by a far larger margin. The difference is that dems were talking about two state solutions while Trump quite literally was telling Bibi to turn Gaza into a goddamn parking lot. (And that’s just the most obvious clue you’re saying nothing of value lol)
I especially enjoyed you attempting to mount your high horse after this piss-poor attack by mentioning the break in TOS when the OP is talking in general and is not attacking a single person. It’s okay to say “people who think x, or do y are dumb”.
If anything, you’re the one breaking TOS:
- Do not engage in name calling, ad hominem attacks, or any other uncivil behaviour. Criticize ideas, never people.
You using the threat of TOS can be seen as ad hominem as a way to delegitimize the comment you replied to.
Everything you listed, the Republicans are guilty of by a far larger margin.
Thats utterly meaningless.
Elaborate please.
This article was about deerborn residents who are Muslim, justifying voting for trump. So these people voted for the party who did things way worse than Democrats and that’s utterly meaningless? Can’t wait to hear the response.
Having your entire extended family disappeared over a period of a month is not significantly better than having them disappeared over a course of a day.
That isn’t hyperbole.
I personally know 2 people that that happened too.
Expecting people to vote for the people that did that to them, and then getting mad at them when they don’t vote is some of the stupidest “I don’t have empathy and don’t even want to try imagining myself in their position, even though I’m going to say I did.” bullshit ever.
That isn’t hyperbole.
Yes it is, it is an exaggerated claim that you have just said “trust me bro.” That is as close as you can get to hyperbole.
Also, again this isn’t your opportunity to grandstand about your vote not being earned, I’m sure it was a tough time for you, but I’m actually asking a question that has yet to be answered.
You know nothing about how I voted.
Stop assuming bullshit.
And no, it isn’t hyperbole. It happened. If you know any Palestinians at all, and you bothered to show an ounce of human decency and asked them about it, you’d probably find out was true for you, too.
That’s what happens in a fucking genocide.
I kept saying since last year Biden was throwing away his campaign but noooooooo, its the voters who are wrong.
Wahhh, they didn’t cater directly to me for literally no reason as I’m not part of any significant voting bloc. Why would they personally attack me like that?
Anything to absolve yourself of the consequences for your stupid decision, right? Pathetic.
If they’re too insignificant to listen to, they’re too insignificant to blame.
… what makes you think they didn’t vote for Kamala? I rolled through their last posts, nothing screams Trump.
… do you assume that because they criticized the democrats, they must be some form of evil? Why are you so gung-ho on defending the campaign. It really could’ve been a vastly better campaign, in so many ways.
Why are people not allowed to criticize the democratic party for botching this so badly?
do you assume that because they criticized the democrats, they must be some form of evil?
People are doing it now to Ozma, mgl, VikingHippie, Ensign Crab, and others.
Logical criticism = aiding the enemy
You of all people posting this without comment. The only thing funnier (and sadder) is “cautious optimism about Trump”.
Hi, it’s me. Was I not correct in the Dems replacing Biden? Did I not say Harris would lose? Even if the uncommitted 100% voted for Harris, she still would have lost.
Well, you had a shit ton of criticism for the Dems, but you seemed rather quiet about trump. Now you’re pushing cautious optimism? You really seem like a shill.
I hate Trump and the GOP. F them. I’ve said it plenty of times. I’ve also said plenty of times I’m not a Democrat. I’m far left.
Just weird how people think you are despite never once saying anything positive about Trump other than “his stupidity is funny”.
Well, your criticism of the GOP wasn’t as much as the criticism of them dems. Or at least tor didn’t show up as often.
Not only that but you pushed third party shit right up until the election.
You gonna start up with that again?
You know why I don’t criticize Trump?
Because he’s Trump.
The enemy has no reason to listen to your criticism. They’re the enemy. That’s one of the reasons they are the enemy.
I’m going to criticize the people on my side that do everything they can to lose, and criticize them when they try to appeal to the enemies base to win by moving closer to the enemies position.
Nothing about this is hard to understand, and I think the only reason you pretend not to is to lessen legitimate criticism against the people on your side that did all of that and then still lost
The people responsible for that loss? The campaign consults and contractors that drove the decisions that lead to this loss got most of the astoundingly large amounts of money the Harris campaign raised, and are trying to make sure they get more by getting hired again.
These are the people you are protecting with your arguments. It’s not LGBTQ people. It’s not minorities.
You’re protecting the people who got paid large amounts of money to do one job, win the election. And they don’t want to be blamed for the loss.
And thus you go around calling other people shills, which is just ironic.
Yeah ozma was one of the loudest mourh pieces on here against the dems and now he’s doing the shocked pikachu.
How did Ozma:
- Convince national wide democrats do this
- Say to vote for Trump
This is amazing. Kamala didn’t do enough so we are going with the guy who has literally said he will fuck up everything we stand for.
I actually think this is a very important lesson for Democrats: if you expect voters to vote rationally, you will lose. You can’t win by trying to appeal to people’s intellect and reason, you have to try and appeal to emotions and passions. If that sounds potentially dangerous, that’s because it is, but unless they’re willing to abandon democracy, I don’t see any other option.
I actually think this is a very important lesson for Democrats
I think it’s going to be a very important lesson for dumbasses that voted against continuing some semblance of democracy.
enjoy that pretentious win for now shitbags. I hope it keeps you warm at night when we’re in work camps.
If it doesn’t, don’t worry, the piles of burning bodies will.
I was an Elizabeth Warren supporter, but watching her give speeches I knew she was doomed when I realized that she was trying really hard to get people to think things. Every single one of her policies was fantastic, but her delivery was more about thoughts than feelings, and I’m convinced that little distinction of stagecraft, more than anything else, is what sunk her campaign.
It’s the same thing with Biden trying, legitimately trying I believe, to provide student loan relief and getting cock blocked by the Supreme Court, but then just asking people to think about the hard work he’d done, rather than picking a loud emotional fight on behalf of the students who’d just got the rug pulled out from under their feet.
You can apply this same lesson to a lot of Democratic messaging failures lately. Getting people to feel things is always going to win over getting them to think things.
Who could have guessed that “I’m 100% aligned with the guy who is helping to kill your extended family, but the other guy is probably worse” would result in a negative emotional response.
Who could have guessed
Not the Democrats, apparently.
Although, to be fair to the Democrats, it is difficult, if not impossible, to appeal to every potential voter’s emotions, especially in the Israel-Palestine conflict. It’s essentially impossible to try and appeal to the emotions of those sympathetic to Palestine without upsetting voters who are sympathetic to Israel, and vice versa.
Yeah, there’s no perfect “everyone loves me” choice for any issue. I do think the salience of the issue was probably different between Muslims and Jews though. “Not giving Israel more free bombs in their time of need” when they’re already dominating the battlefield is a different level of criticality than “is callously killing my family”. Plus, many Jews were also passionately against the genocide. It wasn’t simply a matter of adding up all the Jewish voters and Muslim voters and going with whichever number was bigger.
There was some path that minimized the number of voters so turned off by the choice that they’d abandon the Democrats, and I’m confident where they landed was no where close to that. I’m also confident that getting that one issue right would not have turned the tide and made Harris win, it’s just one of many she failed to handle by charting the path that was “I’m Biden, but reliably able to form sentences”.
It’s not even just logic versus emotion. It’s what was on offer. People are hurting. Harris said that was an economic victory and it wouldn’t change. Trump acknowledged they were hurting and promised change.
The post election and exit polling made that extremely clear. Running a stock corporate campaign that claimed Biden was doing everything great was never going to work.
The thing is, many of the people who were hurting economically and wanted Trump to change things are already crediting Trump with fixing the economy. Polling in swing states between October and November showed a huge swing in voters perception of the economy even though nothing actually changed. So I’d argue this is just emotion for a significant fraction of voters.
I think that Kamala was known as the vibes candidate, she was going for appealing to peoples emotions?
positive emotions only. no downers allowed.
It was a dumb idea.
Using this logic, how exactly did Trump not win in 2020??? It’s almost like absolutes don’t work in reality.