Careful there! NaNs are contagious like a virus. Whats 1 + NaN? NaN. If you try to buy it your credit will becomes NaN. Then when you try to pay it off your bank balance will be NaN too. It has happened to me. Now I owe NaN to the local mafia and they expect a payment this week or else they are taking my thumbs.
That means it’s free.
Not necessarily, they may just take payment in BJs
Careful there! NaNs are contagious like a virus. Whats 1 + NaN? NaN. If you try to buy it your credit will becomes NaN. Then when you try to pay it off your bank balance will be NaN too. It has happened to me. Now I owe NaN to the local mafia and they expect a payment this week or else they are taking my thumbs.
Sounds like prions.