I think this joke has gone full circle.
I’m American, but observe on July 22nd.
so you’re an engineer
Far from it, but I like that 22/7 is numerically closer.
And all this time, I thought it was the cake that was a lie…
while sly PI stole my mind into infinite cries
of WHY CAN’T IT JUST BE 3.1415???!?!!
Shit and I just ordered a new order of operations
I guess I did it wrong, I drove out to a country diner and bought a slice of foot-high chocolate meringue pie.
Loved the joke, but I’m distracted. There are cabinets below the white board and storage space above. What is done with the extra space behind the whiteboard? I’m picturing like storage or cubbies in the next classroom over or something?
The whiteboards are on sliders or hinges to access shelving behind.
It’d be wild if the staff can store stuff behind the whiteboards.
Pie are squared? No, pie are circled!
Pie are round. Cornbread are square!
Jesse, we need to calculate.
You can never trust Big Number.
They keep trying to make laws without going through Congress or the Senate.
The version I like better for some reason: Pi day is just a fake holiday created by big math to sell more formulas.
The only real pi day was in 1592. Everything else is just temporal appropriation
This doesn’t work with the DMY format and cannot be accepted.
Well DMY format is no fun, then!
Pie was never meant to be commercialised!
(Also come on guys, please stop shortening it to ‘pi’. We’re not restricted by '90s SMS length any more!)
It’s mathmagic!
“One math, please!”