• 109 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • “The unfortunate reality is that the alternative is costly and chaotic legal proceedings in courtrooms across the country,” they said in a statement. “While we are confident that we would prevail in any future litigation given the profound misrepresentations about our families and the opioid crisis, we continue to believe that a swift negotiated agreement to provide billions of dollars for people and communities in need is the best way forward.”

    We tried to buy our way out because we’re guilty af, but failed.

    I agree with another poster that I’m not sure how I feel about this. If this results in them taking greater responsibility for the harm they’ve done, great. If this ends up letting them off easier, travesty.

  • Gerrymandering to fuck is a thing. There was a story yesterday or the day before about the Mayor who was elected in the south and got blocked by the white city planners or whatever they’re called. Sure, courts ruled in his favor, but the article pointed out how Black residents hadn’t been aware that there was an election process for years because mayors kept being appointed without their input.

    I’m not saying not to vote. I’m saying that has also been neutralized in places and that’s it’s far from what its idealized state would be.