The Danish health minister should “get on a plane and visit” some of the thousands of women thought to be living with the consequences of being forcibly fitted with the contraceptive coil as children, Greenland’s gender equality minister has said.

In an attempt to reduce the population of the former Danish colony, at least 4,500 women and girls are believed to have undergone the medical procedure, usually without their consent or knowledge, at the hands of Danish doctors between 1966 and 1970 alone.

The total number of those affected by the procedures, thought to have continued for decades, is understood to be far higher. Victims and their lawyers say generations of Inuit women were left traumatised and suffering reproductive complications, including infertility, as a result of the Danish state’s policy.

Earlier this month, a group of 143 women sued the Danish state over the alleged violations, but they have yet to receive a response from the government, despite the Danish prime minister visiting Greenland – now an autonomous territory of Denmark – soon after.

    6 months ago

    being white myself I haven’t had much privilege.

    You’re still more privileged than you would be if you weren’t white. And I say that as someone who hasn’t had an easy life either, but would have a much harder one if I hadn’t been lucky enough to be born a cishet white male in a rich and somewhat well-functioning country.

    being in Europe in itself is a privilege, but that goes for black/asian/other people living in Europe as well.

    To a MUCH lesser degree, though. They experience hardships that we don’t because they don’t have our privilege of having the only skin color that isn’t discriminated against in Europe

    I’m as white as they come, but I didn’t have any privilege

    Again, not how it works. Having privilege isn’t a binary of either playing on easy mode with all privileges or not being privileged at all.

    A rich and powerful person with the same skin color, gender, sexuality and nationality as me but no disabilities is MUCH more privileged than I am, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t have any privilege.

    except those I fought hard for

    Again, having privilege ≠ everything being easy.

    Turns out privilege doesn’t have much with skin color, but is caused by capital and money.

    Again with the false dichotomy of everyone being either extremely privileged or not privileged at all 🤦

    So, it’s the same as treating all black people as criminals

    Whoa, wtf?? It absolutely is NOT! That’s a BIZARRE comparison!

    Sure, there are statistical reasons to say that

    From the cops who consistently target people of color more. Black people aren’t inherently more criminal than white people.

    White people ARE inherently more privileged in a society built by their ancestors to give them advantages at the cost of disadvantages for everyone else, though.

    it’s incredibly racist to treat black people as criminals by default

    And the 2024 “Well, Duh!” Award goes to…

    as is attributing shortcomings of the privileged to white people)

    No. Absolutely not.

    Believe me, most white people I knew growing up weren’t what you’d call privileged.

    If I took a shot every time you trotted out that false dichotomy, I’d be absolutely wasted by now.

    I don’t think I ask for too much when I don’t want people to use my skin color to mean something bad, do I

    Like it or not, your skin color gives you privilege. If you acknowledge your privilege and don’t abuse it, “sounds about white” and similar expressions aren’t about you and you have nothing to worry about on that account.

    Like, have we learned nothing?

    I couldn’t say about everyone, but it sure seems that YOU haven’t.

    It’s frankly disgusting that racism against me is allowed because it’s socially acceptable

    Again, not racism. It’s not about all white people.

    Racism against black people and Jewish people used to be socially acceptable, too.

    Now you’re going to bring jewish people into your ridiculous false analogy too? Ffs! Are you trying to start the oppression Olympics or something?

    Spoiler alert: we don’t medal in that sport.

    And I for one really dislike racism because it’s stupid

    So is pretending that calling out privilege and the lack of awareness thereof is racist.

    To chronic downvoters: If you only downvote without providing your thoughts on the topic, your opinion on this topic is as important as my dog’s.

    Sounds like your dog knows about as much about what privilege is or isn’t as you do. I bet your dog is much cuter too.

    what government wants to pay for their mistakes?

    The Danish one. Unlike certain other ones, it tends to be serious about dealing with its past atrocities and the effects they had on the victims.

      6 months ago

      So many words when you could just say “I’m racist” and get the same point across.

        6 months ago

        I can’t believe how many white people I see complaining about racism in a thread about Inuit people having forced infertility, ovarian cysts, bleeding, and more. This is pathetic lol. The most sensitive people in existence. Just acknowledging your privilege makes you all go into this weird state. This is why studying history and CRT is important. The Viking user is right. White is not a race, so they’re not being racist.

      6 months ago

      Well, I’ve lost interest in a discussion with you, if you’re unable to discuss without saying stuff like And the 2024 “Well, Duh!” Award goes to, you’re not worth discussion.

      Edit: That was before I read the other personal jabs at me. Well, if you ever wonder why you can’t convince other people of your opinions, it’s this behaviour.

        6 months ago

        Sure, focus on how impolite it is for me to point out that you’re stating the blindingly obvious rather than at all consider my many valid counterpoints to your flurry of much more insulting accusations towards me and everyone else who use or even understand some very common expressions 🙄

          6 months ago

          I usually don’t reply to the following messages, but I’m gonna make an exception, because it might help you in the future: Yes, I’m gonna ignore all your other points, because I have no interest in a discussion with someone who makes personal attacks at me. I’ve had some thoughts prepared to write down and discuss further until I reached the point where you made personal attacks.

          In short, you’re not worthy of my time - not because I disagree with your points, but because you had to go and make it personal.

          Anyway, this was truly the last message from me to you.

            6 months ago

            I’m gonna ignore all your other points, because I have no interest in a discussion with someone who makes personal attacks at me

            Says the gigantic hypocrite who initiated the conversation with baseless accusations of racism 🤦

            I’ve had some thoughts

            Now now, no need to brag.

            you’re not worthy of my time

            Right back at you 👍

            you had to go and make it personal

            Says the one who repeatedly called me and everyone else who uses a common non-racist expression racists 😂

            Anyway, this was truly the last message from me to you.

            I’ll try my best to go on without you. It’s going to be tough, though! 🙄