Warning: NSFW language

“Jewish men have small cocks because they can’t use them after they get married,” Giuliani said, according to the transcript. “Whereas the Italian use them all their lives so they get bigger.”

Giuliani railed against how Jewish people “want to go through that freaking Passover all the time” and how they should “get over the Passover” because it was 3,000 years ago. “OK, the Red Sea parted,” the transcript reads. “Big deal. Not the first time that happened.”

Giuliani doesn’t elaborate on other instances when the Red Sea was parted.

The transcripts also feature Giuliani discussing which celebrities are Republican. Giuliani is trying to think of someone in particular and Dunphy volunteers that Matt Damon is “very liberal.”

“Matt Damon is a fag,” Giuliani replies. “Matt Damon is also 5’2″, eyes are blue. Coochi-coochie-coochie-coo.”

Various websites list Damon as around 5’10”. It’s unclear why Giuliani invoked the 1920s song “Has Anybody Seen My Girl? (Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue)” or what it has to do with the actor.

Then there are the lewd comments directed toward Dunphy. “Come here, big tits,” Giuliani says on one occasion, according to the transcript. “Come here, big tits. Your tits belong to me. Give them to me [indiscernable]. I want to claim my tits. I want to claim my tits. I want to claim my tits. These are my tits.”

  • ShooBoo@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I am a straight guy and I don’t want to know what anyone is doing in bed at night. Straight, bi, gay, whatever. There are so many other issues in my life that are more important than the size of some other dude’s penis. I don’t care and don’t want to hear it. I am not trying to be a porn star, this does not concern me. Aside from that, be as fabulous or boring as you want in life, I don’t care, more power to you. It makes my life more interesting, full and well rounded to know you. Even you boring ones.

    But these guys seem to be obsessed and weird about it. Caught between trying to use the hatred towards these people to their advantage but coming off looking like total freaks. Or maybe they really are, all just total weirdos.