The type of language spoken in that general area (along with at least one neighboring town) is considered “the purest” in the nation, as it has the least regional differences compared to anywhere else, so much so that the nation’s most famous composer’s wife (herself an accomplished academic) used to live there back in the day to study the language.
10 people were killed in an oil well explosion in 1955. A large group of people had gathered to watch the well be torpedoed (early form of fracking). There’s a small plaque at the site now. It’s next to a pretty good brewery.
You’ll have to try harder to dox me, agent!
This city is both huge and young, so not a breeding ground for archaic facts yet. But the one bit of trivia that catches most people off guard is that Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure is mostly Phoenix, AZ. Even the mall scenes with the ice skating rink were filmed there.
There’s a man-made lake that’s famous for it’s edible frogs.