Well our current president, who looks like a reptilian zombie with a human skin oddly draped over him, campaigned with the thought of “allowing NATO nuclear weapons on our soil”, and if it weren’t for the fact that he has been, was, is, and will forever be a capitalist right-wing populist of the worst kind, that might’ve been the final straw for not voting for him.
Others still “serving” our great nation include the speaker of the parliament, who is a straight up far-righter; a racist and a fascist. He used to be the leader of our far-right party, but after failing in the presidential elections he switched to his current position. Then there’s the leader of the far-right party, who serves as our minister of finance. She also seems like a horrible human being who deserves to get from a bullet, as she is responsible for the cuts in aid all the poor, the sick, the children, the young, the students and the immigrants, most of all who are not-as-wealthy-as-her here have faced after the last government took power.
And then there’s of course our prime minister, who is nothing but a puppet of the far-right, though he represents the same party as the president had, the right populists. An insidious kind of a fucking mitten who should die with the rest of them.
Oh boy, the fascists have really done it now: they’re going after the beastpeople! Beware its poisonous spittle!