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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Would have been nice if this context was in the article. I got into an argument 10+ years ago with some militant prick by the name of “SquarePusher” on Reddit about how his emulator was the best and anyone who dares to charge for an emulator is evil. I wrote him and his stupid emulator off then.

    Turns out it’s the same guy. I’ve used it a bit since then as I wasn’t aware of other reasons to not support it other than my own personal grudge but I’ll definitely stop now.

    Do you have any source for the transphobic stuff he’s said? I Googled but I couldn’t find anything other than vague references rather than specific comments.

  • I’ll believe it when I see it. He made his good financial decisions when he wasn’t full mask-off insane, since his wife left him and his daughter disowned him he’s had more important things to deal with, like wasting his money turning back the clock so neither of them have any rights anymore. Currently he is just banking off of those good early decisions.

    I won’t speak to the specific financials of his companies, but I don’t see him maintaining his current growth rate while so distracted for much longer. I also see his attachment to companies as a growing impediment, not an asset.

  • I really like my FineWoven case, I was hoping they would revise them rather than do away with it entirely. I had to get a replacement for my first one because the sides were peeling (which Apple replaced for free) but the replacement has been fine.

    However they don’t age well, especially the ones in any colour other than black, so I can see why they did it. Still, I prefer it over any other case I’ve owned. Feels nice in hand, thinner than any previous Apple case while still providing great drop protection, smooth but not slippy, it had a lot going for it.

  • Meat packing, farming & agriculture in North America is run entirely off the backs of immigrants, poor people and people of colour. People don’t choose these jobs, they take them out of necessity. This is just a fact, and a weird hill to die on.

    If you want to rebut the argument that this is unique to meat, look no further than fruit picking in the US. It’s less risk of maiming and disgusting, but still dangerous and exploitative.

  • Why any game in 2024 is targeting one specific frame rate is beyond me. Just do like any other competent release, and offer a “Quality/Performance” option where one targets 30fps with max visuals and one targets 60fps and cuts what it needs to get there.

    I think people are well aware that the current console generations are just midrange PCs frozen in time at this point. Nobody is expecting miracles, just give them both options and be done with it.

  • Higher revenue cut for publishers. That’s it. This is just a big anti-consumer pissing contest about who gets a bigger slice of the pie when a sale is made. Everything else is just distracting noise. If Valve charged 5% then none of this other stuff would matter. Valve charges 30% base with some sweetheart deals for devs who sell millions of copies. Same as Sony, Nintendo, Apple, and most other online software marketplaces.

    This is a high percentage to pay vs retail margins for a brick & mortar storefront, but a reasonable percentage when you think of it as a customer acquisition cost. So the question is, did I go to Steam to buy the game or did I go to Steam and buy the game? Everyone will have a different opinion on this, but in my opinion Valve revived PC gaming when it was on the brink, and a large percentage of sales that happen on the platform are because of the eyeballs it brings and the value it delivers.

    Borderlands 4 coming back to Steam is strong evidence of this, even with Epic essentially paying developers the difference in potential lost sales out of pocket. You can’t pay for the lost conversations, word-of-mouth, and other “free” advertising that those lost sales would have generated. So Borderlands 3 looks great on a balance sheet, but nobody really liked it or cared about it, and Epic won’t pay you to make games nobody plays forever.

    It might seem better for the storefront to take less of a cut from a consumer perspective, but in reality it barely matters. This doesn’t go towards reducing game costs for consumers or improving bonuses & wages for developers. The market has already been set. Any behind the scenes change in revenue sharing just goes to the next group in line, which is of course the already wealthy and massive publishers.

    So do whatever works for you. Just don’t let them pull the wool over your eyes and act like this fight is about anything other than which already very rich people get slightly richer.