Single working mom of a 4 year old with level 1 autism. I live in the US and have MS. It’s been a wild ride as a parent, but somehow I’m having fun.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I started my kid on a full sized bed and called it a day. That will be big enough for her to share with a friend and/or cousin until she’s an adult and out of my house. She slept wild in it at that age, but she sleeps mostly correctly in it now at 4. although dead in the center. Perhaps by 8 she’ll have a favorite side and the answer won’t be “why not both” lol

  • You could probably pair some grains, vegetables, and fruit with those beans? Sorry to ask, but why are you putting your one year old on a vegetarian diet, if you’re not on one? Generally speaking it’s best for kids to eat what you eat. For one, it’s just easier meal prep. For two, children are just more likely to try foods they see others eat.

    A one year old doesn’t need a super structured meal. Some rice and a little fruit can go with the beans. I wouldn’t worry so much about filling meals as much as exposing your kid to as many flavors as possible before you find out how picky they’re going to be in a year. You have a higher chance of avoiding the worst of the picky eating phase if your child has a wider palette.

  • I recommend the book Precious Little Sleep. You will think about how to get your baby to sleep a lot during the first year and especially during those first 3 months. People often recommend The Happy Sleeper, but personally I think that book is for when things have already gotten out of control, not when you’re just trying to formulate a plan.

    I would recommend having a peek at the CDC’s milestones app and also the ASQ-3 which is a checklist for milestones going up to 5 years old.

    Yale has a fantastic online parenting course that’s based by science. It’s really an in depth explanation of the ABC Model of parenting, which has been shown to have the best outcomes and is really the authoritative style of parenting, which should not be confused with the authoritarian style of parenting which does not have great outcomes. Neither does the permissive style of parenting.

    The “Your ___-Year Old” Books (here is Your One-Year Old) are fantastic for learning what children at like at various ages as far as temperament and general interests. I would disregard a lot of the parenting advice in this book because it’s very much of that “Girls like dolls. Boys like trucks. Neither should speak unless you give permission” variety.