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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • There’s a series of Lemmy posts called the Linux upskill challenge that goes step by step through setting up and using Linux. I tried self hosting and jumping straight in too, and it sucked.

    What worked for me:

    1. Start using open source versions of stuff, like switching from Chrome to Firefox, Office to Libre Office.
    2. Set up Virtual Box, and practice running server apps on Linux on virtual machines, until you’ve done a few Linux VMs and gotten used to the interfaces and commands.
    3. Dual boot a laptop or desktop, one by one getting your daily use apps working in Linux.
    4. Distro hop a bit. I never thought I’d land on Fedora, but here I am.
    5. Get used to running and configuring servers from the command line.
    6. Host some stuff with VMs and get used to the networking and bridging and stuff.
    7. Containers!

    I’m still in the middle of 6+7. Not super comfy with Docker quite yet, but getting there. I really do love having my stuff self-hosted though. Well worth the effort.

  • I disagree with this. Law school isn’t cheap. Law school doesn’t come from nothing. I’m seeing kids in my class who are stacked six to a bed, working full work weeks and trying to squeak by in class, and largely failing. Also, effective politicians need to raise funds to run campaigns. Funds come from rich people. Even if this effective politician somehow manages to afford an expensive law degree, they also need to have the time and opportunity to succeed in school, and then somehow manage the free time to also make connections among the wealthy so they can raise the funds to run a campaign.

    Politics has become for the rich, by the rich.

  • What I know: https://raid.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/A_guide_to_mdadm No need to do hardware raid, mdadm is great. I got an HBA card off of art of server on eBay, and have ungodly amounts of disk. Also, am ungodly power bill… You can stick regular SATA drives into a SAS Bay, but not SAS drives into a SATA bay. Some HP equipment is bitchy about non -HP drives, cards, etc. I saw a fair amount of “Do RAID 6!” But I found on my hardware that RAID 5 and a hot standby was moderately faster. Try not to mix drive sizes, it messes things up and wastes space. Have fun!

  • I had this happen before in two different ways:

    1. GPU power plug not in all the way, no GPU power, no fans, no display.
    2. Older motherboard, new CPU, and the motherboard needed a BIOS upgrade before it would work on the newer chip. I had to borrow an older Athlon chip from the store to flash the motherboard. Worked great after that. Two separate incidents. If it can be broken, I’ve broken it.