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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Can you explain what you mean by your first statement? It seems like you’re arguing that citizens won’t be affected, then you linked a post by an Arab American citizen who is saying how general sentiment towards Arab Americans has affected their life. It stands to reason that electing trump will only further deteriorate the general sentiment towards Arab Americans, affecting us citizens.

  • If anyone needs additional confirmation of what trump wants.

    “As president, I would end once and for all the mass importation of antisemitism into the United States,” he said. “Just as I did before, we will keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. We were keeping them out.”

    “On day one, we’ll restore our travel ban. We had a travel ban because we didn’t want people coming into our country who really loved the idea of blowing our country up,” he said. He called the ban an “amazing success.”

    “We didn’t have one incident in four years, because we kept bad people out of our country,” he claimed.

    “I’ll also be implementing strong ideological screenings for all immigrants coming in,” he said. “If you hate America, if you want to abolish Israel, if you sympathize with jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country and you’re not going to be getting into our country.”

    Trump also said he would cancel student visas of Hamas sympathizers.

    “The college campuses are being taken over, and all of the resident aliens who joined in the pro-jihadist protests this month, nobody’s seen anything like it,” he said. “Come 2025, we will find you, and we will deport you.”

  • Yeah, I’m not religious anymore, but in college I led a homeless outreach team for Christian students where we’d go downtown every week to provide food and friendship to the unhoused. The single most regularly attending person was sikh. The fact that she joined even though it was a different religion (we’d pray before and after the night) spoke volumes to me, and it made me respect the religion a lot. In fact, the thought that someone like her would technically not go to heaven simply due to believing in a different religion was one of the reasons why I stopped practicing.

    I’ve always been taught that “good” Christians convert others by being so kind and generous that others ask “what drives them to be like that?” And that’s the proper way to proselytize. None of this preaching, damnation and hellfire stuff. Be a good and inspirational enough person that others will naturally be drawn to what drives you. It’s a shame that the loudest voices get the most attention.