• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I mean 10gb/s is already like 20x more than you would need for that and probably more.

    Having near 50gb/s is like, the bandwidth of an entire university campus going into your phone or something. Like just so overkill. You could stream 4K netflix over 3000 times over literally. Like, what could the use for that ever be? You couldn’t even write or store that much data on your phone lol.

    It’s like saying you are disappointed because your new car is speed restricted to 50000 mph. Like…cool? It ain’t gonna reach that so we’re fine.

    Which is why I asked if it had other benefits like better range or something, presumably that would be the benefit to be hyped over if any.

  • If he was destroying it for the good of humanity he would have to somehow destroy the concept of it rather than a single platform.

    Probably best spending 40 billion on education in the harm social media can do lol.

    I really do think he’s just delusional. I won’t call him an idiot because there is clearly intelligence and talent in his head, but he’s gone off the rails in some capacity whether it’s mental health issues or power crazed or who knows.

  • Yeah I mean the processing power and general hardware just got to a point where nobody really needs more. In fact my 4 year old phone has the same amount of RAM and similar processor to my new one lol. Unless you’re cutting edge 3D gaming it’s not needed to have anything more.

    I upgraded only because of battery life, higher Hz screen, newer android version, and to get a wide angle lens. Now I have those even its like…what next? Camera quality is all I ever need, screen Hz is perfect. I’m not sure what will make me upgrade next time but if I replace battery down the line and use a third party OS then maybe it’ll go even longer!

  • I think these stats are pretty interesting after Lewis got quite some backlash last year for not performing as some expected. Honestly I think at this point Russell has proven himself a solid driver and this just then goes to show Lewis is still on his game. I hope Lewis stays around long enough for this pair to battle it out for a while yet especially in a more competitive car, that would be interesting to see.