• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I’m no expert. I want to include that disclaimer up front.

    Nextcloud with block storage on btrfs with snapshots seems like it could work for you. No idea about VFS though. I’ll leave that question for someone more knowledgeable. The “drive” portion of Nextcloud is quite decent. I regularly use it to pass large files between my phone (Android), laptop (Linux) and gaming desktop (Windows).

  • njordomir@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldReminder...
    1 month ago

    If enough people vote third party, it’s supposed to pull the big two towards them to recapture those voters. If the Dems aren’t courting these voters, it’s their fault and an indication that they can’t be trusted to represent us. Instead, they ignored us completely and will continue down the same bullshit paths that brought us here. If we don’t vote third party, nothing will change because the Dems view us as suckers who will fall in line. That’s why they shamelessly did Bernie dirty. Biden and the Dems have been flopping around their hardon for Israel while it’s obviously splitting their base. It’s almost like they want to lose.

    Having said all that, I may vote for Biden this time anyway because I told myself long ago that I would vote for the first prez who rescheduled or legalized cannabis.

  • I don’t use dailies either. I use monthlies to track my shorter term goals or incremental steps for my long terms. My sections tend to be something along the lines of "what changed, what is my current standpoint, how does this affect my strategy, what did I do well, what did I not do well, did I do anything memorable? " My monthlies quote my annuals so I always read through them prior to writing anything down. My annuals quote my “core principles” which is a list of things I value most in life.

    I feel like anything shorter than a month goes better in my task app or on my calendar.

    But that’s just me. I’m also curious what others have to say.

  • My local healthy grocer (for lack of a better name) has “potato” chips made with veggie based ingredients like lentil flour, garbanzo bean flour, etc. Same is true for pasta.

    Also, from personal experience, get one of those rubber horse heads and make up an alter ego that talks about how much they looooove veggies and how carrots are their favorite food. You can have a friend or family member do it, but if “Veggie Vincent the Healthy Horse” shows up enough times and talks about all the healthy, delicious things we can eat to grow big and strong like him, it’s a step in the right direction, not to mention fun for everyone involved. :D