• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • This is the problem with spending millions of dollars on games and focusing on profitability over actual quality or expression. Video games are fundamentally an art medium. You can choose to make some uninspired cash grabbing trash, and can even make a whole company built around that and make profit. But are you going to make a great game that way? Probably not.

    You’d be better off with half a dozen people with passion and a comparatively minuscule budget. You might have to scale back from ultra realistic graphics and massive explorable areas with dozens of voice actors, but I don’t really think that makes games any better anyway. A little 2d rpg with really basic pixel graphics can put a big project to shame if it’s made with passion and emotion.

  • I kinda like it. It’s better for some shows than others, but like, look at Curb Your Enthusiasm. It would pop up every now and then, only to fade back into the aether for a few years, then come around again. It never felt forced, or like it wasn’t within its own continuity when it came back. Some time just passed, and that was alright. I feel the same way about Red Dwarf. It comes, it goes, it comes back again. We love it.

    You can’t force it. It’s one thing if delays are because of studios or rights holders blocking creators from getting their work out, but if it’s part of the natural process? The process is the product, and sometimes good work needs time to percolate, or ferment, or whatever metaphor you want.

    Don’t try!

  • The money from energy companies dripping from both sides of this interview is disturbingly clear. My only hope is that where CNN is clearly grilling Harris for the interests of their investors (energy companies), Harris’ evasive responses are there to assuage the concerns of those investors long enough to get into office. She’s talking out of the side of her mouth for someone and probably needs to to get in office. I just hope that at the end of the day she sides with Earth and humanity over evil incarnate. I think she will, but she has to walk a tightrope to get there.

    If I’m wrong I’ll probably be part of a literal chorus of leftists looking to make it extremely clear that she can be a one-term president if she doesn’t find her way to doing the right thing.

  • Too much thinking.

    The right doesn’t care about accuracy, but they will pretend to to keep us busy. To counteract it, we can’t spend our time engaged in good faith arguments of carefully considered wording. We need to beat them on that flippant energy that shows we won’t take their bait and we know we’re right, so we don’t have to prove it.

    Weird is perfect for that. They don’t want to be weird.

    Now when they turn it around and try to call us weird? Then is the time to say ‘hey, that’s cool! I’m happy to be weird!’ and literally not worry about the contradiction at all.

    They picked an arena where they can’t beat us. Let’s meet them there.