• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Police across the US have been killing people at a greater rate every year under his admin, so what exactly about Biden’s glowing record on police violence is worth comparing to Trump? Not to mention he wants to hire another 100,000 more pigs.

    You don’t get to gloat about how much better you are with black people when you’re no better than the guy characterising himself as some kind of American Mussolini.

    The rest of you liberals can fuck off back to reddit too. You don’t get to claim victory over a fascist that your golden dementia boy is no better than. Absolutely pathetic that you act morally superior to kids dying because he’s on “your team”


    Before you leave you “but trump!!” comment, consider reopening your Reddit account because this snark about Biden being better than Trump when they both get throbbing erections for brutalised kids won’t get you nearly as far as it did on that astroturfed shithole.