3D sculptor for all things Blood Bowl and more.




  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Oh, it’s 100 percent demoralising! But thats, unfortunately, what it boils down to, isn’t it? Having to choose the lesser of two evils instead of being allowed to vote with your heart (even if that means not voting at all). It’s entirely unfair. Young people aren’t responsible for this mess, and now so much depends on them. They deserve so much better, but are stuck with a party that is united behind a lunatic with the vocabulary of a 5 year old, or a party that is excellent at putting forth candidates that make that lunatic look just reasonable enough. If this was any other country I’d merely sympathise and sleep peacefully knowing that Trump is old and unhealthy, and that his time will come. But it’s the US that we’re talking about, and so much depends on the election. You not only have the US looking at young voters, but the entire world. It’s a horrible situation.

  • I’ve always been a fence sitter as well, and for the longest part of my life I was kinda certain I didn’t want any kids, but in hindsight that was mainly because the women I was with had no interest either. When I met the mother of my daughter, very early on in the relationship she straight up asked me if I could see myself as a parent at some point in the future. I said yes because that’s the truth. I could just as well not see myself as a parent, but it wasn’t a clear no.

    Our daughter was born in the fifth year of our relationship. We would have loved to spend another couple of years just as the two of us, but she’s several years older than me and approaching her 40s, so her biological clock was ticking. So we sat down and had a long talk about whether we actually wanted to do this. I’ve never been the most ambitious fella out there, and if there’s an easy or comfortable way of doing something I’m likely to take it. With this topic though I didn’t want to live the rest of my life thinking in the back of my head that my kid didn’t get born because it would have been outside of my comfort zone. So we went and tried and my gf got pregnant within two months. Our daughter is 7 months now and a wonderful little drooling ball of energy and we love her to death. With all the uncertainty that comes with having a child, one thing is certain though: we don’t want a second one :D