
  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • DancingPickle@lemmy.worldtoSync for Lemmy@lemmy.worldPost launch day chat
    11 months ago

    I would not be surprised to learn that you could make as much profit open sourcing the work and using Patreon instead of demanding users pay to release the shackles.

    Do it your way. I will probably pay you when you come out with a widget. But I would have done that anyway. Shoving ads in my face makes me not like you.

  • DancingPickle@lemmy.worldOPto3DPrinting@lemmy.worldCommitment
    11 months ago

    I’d like to hear how you do minis on fdm. I’m planning pressing resin into service for that and a couple other things, but if you have a good workflow for minis on fdm, I have friends who want them and fdm can do it way way faster than resin at the trade off resolution.

  • DancingPickle@lemmy.worldOPto3DPrinting@lemmy.worldCommitment
    11 months ago

    Not so much a move as an addition. And there are a few reasons.

    One, I like projects where the outcome is a useful tool, but the project aspect itself is a significant part of my motivation.

    The reason for the Voron being that project is that it will be a WAY faster and more competent tool than my ender, which was a prohibitive limitation especially for larger prints. A failure at hour 23 of a 24 hour print sucks, but the same print failing at hour 3:45 of 4 hours is way easier to accept. At that point the loss of filament matters more than the lost time in my eyes.

    Also Voron2 has a much better design than ender 3 pro for exotic filaments, making ABS / ASA / nylon more approachable. Better tuning options, compensation (lower / less moving mass), bigger plate, taller build volume.

    The bigger plate is significant for things like ergo mechanical keyboard chassis. I’m a Dactyl Manuform user and builder, and the ender 3 pro can only print one half at a time and takes more than a full day each half. Voron should be able to knock out two halves at once inside of a work day, and do so with better quality to boot.

    The ender still has a place, particularly with the mods I have on it. Specifically, TPU can’t benefit from the speed of Voron, so there’s no reason not to print it on ender. Also it never hurts to have a tuned, working machine if you have to take one offline for maintenance.

  • DancingPickle@lemmy.worldOPto3DPrinting@lemmy.worldCommitment
    11 months ago

    I’m 100% retro and linux gaming, but I don’t need to force my kids down the road I’m on. I just share what I love and hope they choose it for themselves so we have common interests. So far, surprisingly, they both love NES / SNES and that’s thanks to Nintendo developing the same franchises for decades, for better or worse.

    I don’t really game on the go other than mindless android games. If I did, steam deck makes way more sense. For the kids I keep thinking Switch mainly because they already love the Wii, and all their friends have Switches, so it’s a social vocabulary thing.

    Surely you’re right about the satisfaction part. I need to make sure the kids are part of it, maybe choosing models and building, painting, etc with me. They are pretty young but once they get a little better spatial awareness and reading skills, python and freecad are not out of the question! They play minecraft already, so we’re off to a good start I think.

  • I’m sure that the buyer can be expected to pay for shipping, but at the end of the day for any buyer the “price” is inclusive of all fees, and for the seller the “profit” is minus expenses. So if it’s cheaper to ship using eBay’s discount, that means the buyer pays more or the seller makes less.

    In the end it’s probably worth it for the peace of mind, though. I’ve personally never been screwed on a big ticket item and I don’t mind selling stuff for under $100 on ebay. If I lose, it’s lost, right? My feelings about eBay so far are that I’m selling there as much for altruistic reasons… I don’t want the material to be landfill, someone can get a deal (I do it all the time), and I’d like to recoup some cash as well to spend on hobbies. The couple times I’ve been hassled and lost money on ebay, it totaled less that $50.

    I’d be super upset if I got screwed for several hundred.

  • Yes. If you are a buyer and you submit INAD, you can say anything you want and ebay will side with you. 100% of the time. Even if you lie. And if they initially don’t, just keep it up and they will. Then, when you “return” the empty box to the seller, there’s nothing they can do about it.

    There are stories all over ebay about it. And I’m not a big seller btw, I’m just a dude who sells odd stuff to pay for new stuff. When I get screwed, which I occasionally do, it hurts because every time it feels personal unlike if it were my job.

  • You and I are VERY similar in that way. I was literally shopping for new parts last night for a whole new PC since this is effectively a motherboard problem.

    With a decent sleep behind me, I got back at it today and flashed every BIOS from my manufacturer, backward from the newest, until I arrived at one that didn’t have the GPU issue which I thought was caused by the moth. It turns out that it was not, in the end, the bug’s fault.

    Having started on Friday morning with the very first manufacturer BIOS, which shipped with the board, I knew that it worked in a stable fashion but was missing a key feature for my new hardware. By the time I found one that once and truly didn’t exhibit the issue that was crashing my GPU, I was back to the 3rd BIOS release and now I think we are at “stable.”

    The board in question, in case anyone finds this on a search engine, is the Gigabyte Aorus Z690 Ultra DDR4, and the shipped bios is version F3. My video card is a Gigabyte RTX 3060Ti, and the bug causing hard locks / crashes is present in every BIOS from F20 and upward. Version F6 has another issue I didn’t bother to diagnose that was causing instability for unknown reasons. F8, however, works just as well as F3 so far, though I want the rest of the weekend to test. So far none of the F20 series issues are in the journal though, so I think that’s where the issue was introduced.

    And for Gigabyte haters, I feel you, but it’s a SFF build and I needed a mITX Z690 board and a 3060Ti that was short enough to fit in a NF200 case built at the peak of the GPU shortage which only made things more complicated. My options were serendipitously limited to that manufacturer. :)

  • I’ve been in IT a long time and building PCs for longer, but my debugging skills degrade in direct proportion to how frustrated I am by the problem. That usually starts off very high and gets higher as obvious things get checked off the list.

    Evidently I still have some kind of problem, because the GPU just fell off the bus again… but I haven’t had any frame rate issues in the last hour, so I think it’s a coincident problem and maybe not related to the moth. I did just update a BIOS, so I dunno. Too late to worry about it tonight.

  • I used to take immodium for multi-day concerts where I expected to be drinking a lot of beer. Last time I did so, it worked so well that I didn’t shit for two weeks and stopped being able to sleep. Had to get to the doctor for a powerful laxative cocktail that really messed up my guts for another two weeks during which I still could barely sleep for different reasons. I’m not getting that month back.