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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I don’t think there’s an age cutoff, or even a strict limit of social acceptability, but I do feel like the older you get, the less time people your age will devote, on average, to gaming…or at least the less focus they’ll give gaming.

    It’s not necessarily a bad thing to still be super into video games in your 40s or 50s, but since there will be fewer people your age as invested as you, this will stand out, and one should reasonably expect this to have an impact on how some age-peers view and interact with you, for better or for worse.

    The fact that a focus on gaming is more prevalent in kids than adults may carry the connotation that someone has failed to grow up in other ways as well, since they never moved past their gaming phase. It’s not always accurate or always negative, but subjective opinion might be both of those things.

  • Basil is pretty resilient, but I’ve never had volunteers from the previous year.

    My biggest volunteers are usually tomatoes, although last year, my neighbor had pole beans that went wild, got up into a tree, grew up over my beds, and dropped beans all winter, so this spring, while tomatoes are definitely my most pulled weed, now pole beans are in second place.

    Also had one volunteer nasturtium that grew exactly where I had one plant last year, so I’m happy to have it there again this year!

  • Most of the sources I’d found on the subject seemed very cultish (“You have to do everything exactly my way or else you’re wrong!”), which was also what I found when I looked into the square foot gardening method.

    I find this very off-putting, so I rejected both and simply continued using what has worked for me in my raised beds and so far I’ve been happy with it.

    For me, that means adding some compost to the beds each year after scraping off any mulch from the previous year that hasn’t started breaking down into soil. After adding the compost (usually just a bag of black cow and a bag of mushroom compost per 4x4 bed) I turn everything over and break it up well with a spade shovel, smooth it out, plant, and re-mulch.

    I’m only doing 4 beds and a few containers, so I use starts instead of seeds. As such, I fertilize each one at planting by adding granular fertilizer, bone meal, and crab & lobster meal to the bottom of the planting hole, stir it in with the dirt, and plant over that.

  • Maybe don’t take disagreement so personally?

    I too would like to do this myself and not have AI or anyone else decide for me what content gets lumped together.

    I predict that this is also an issue that will slowly resolve itself over time, as critical masses of users gradually coalesce around one community, or more…but only if the extras are distinct in some way…which would very specifically be made more difficult by the sort of programming you’re proposing.

    I’m not saying there’s no merit in your suggestion, only that it may not be the one-size-fits-all solution that you seem to think it is