I would also suggest you write “disaster reports” where you ask yourself what happened and why it happened 5 or more times. Preferrably write it out by hand on a piece of paper.
“I couldn’t sleep last night. Why? Because I couldn’t calm down. Why? Because I felt too tired to consciously steer myself to calm down. Why? Because of the conversation earlier. What happened there? I was forced to pretend everything was okay when it wasn’t.”
You can keep going after this until you feel satisfied with your answers.
Afterwards, I also like to write something similar to this:
“Conclusion: tough conversations overdrain energy. Next time I should strive to mask less/plan recovery activities afterwards, etc.”
Finally, labeling emotions is a skill that will come to you after persistently working on it. Don’t give up! And read as much as you can about it.
You might know about this but https://youfeellikeshit.com/ is really helpful to self-diagnose.
I would also suggest you write “disaster reports” where you ask yourself what happened and why it happened 5 or more times. Preferrably write it out by hand on a piece of paper.
“I couldn’t sleep last night. Why? Because I couldn’t calm down. Why? Because I felt too tired to consciously steer myself to calm down. Why? Because of the conversation earlier. What happened there? I was forced to pretend everything was okay when it wasn’t.”
You can keep going after this until you feel satisfied with your answers.
Afterwards, I also like to write something similar to this:
“Conclusion: tough conversations overdrain energy. Next time I should strive to mask less/plan recovery activities afterwards, etc.”
Finally, labeling emotions is a skill that will come to you after persistently working on it. Don’t give up! And read as much as you can about it.