Aussie living in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Coding since 1998.
.NET Foundation member. C# fan
Mastodon: @[email protected]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’m starting to like the htmx model a lot. Server-rendered app that uses HTML attributes to configure the dynamic bits (e.g. which URL to hit and which DOM element to insert the response into). Don’t have to write much JS (or any in some cases).

    you literally can’t hyperlink to any of the data

    I thought most React-powered frameworks use a URL router out-of-the-box these days? The developer does need to have a rough idea what they’re doing, though.

  • That’s one nice thing about Java. You can bundle the entire app in one .jar or .war file (a .war is essentially the same as a .jar but it’s designed to run within a Servlet container like Tomcat).

    PHP also became popular in the PHP 4.x era because it had a large standard library (you could easily create a PHP site with no third-party libraries), and deployment was simply copying the files to the server. No build step needed. Classic ASP was popular before it, and also had no build step. but it had a very small standard library and relied heavily on COM components which had to be manually installed on the server.

    PHP is mostly the same today, but these days it’s JIT compiled so it’s faster than the PHP of the past, which was interpreted.

  • If you think US houses are bad, you should see Australian houses. Barely any insulation and very draughty drafty, so they’re too cold in winter and too hot in summer. A huge percentage of houses fall below the WHO’s recommended safe temperature in winter.

    Sure, you can use AC or heating, but it dissipates very quickly.

    I’m from Melbourne, and the climate there is fairly similar to the San Francisco Bay Area where I live now. Similar winter weather, but it gets a bit hotter in summer. Bay Area houses are much more comfortable though. My US house is a 1960s build yet it has way better insulation than even a 2010s build in Australia.

  • F-Droid is great. My understanding is that apps on F-Droid have to be free (as in freedom), and they build most apps from source so the builds are verifiable - they’ll exactly match the source code in the repo. It’s not just a developer uploading a random APK that might be completely different from the code in the repo.

  • I moved from Windows 10 to Fedora/Debian recently. Dual-booting them until I figure out which one I want to use. I’ve used Debian on servers for 20+ years, but Fedora seems like a great distro too. I switched to Fedora at work too, and I’m enjoying it. At work, I can choose between a MacBook with MacOS, or a Lenovo ThinkStation or X1 Carbon / P1 with Windows or Fedora.

    The only Windows-specific app I really cared about was Visual Studio, but Jetbrains Rider is looking like a good replacement. I don’t really do any PC gaming any more.