• 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 31st, 2022


  • A death threat from a neoliberal, how unsurprising. Scratch a neoliberal, and a fascist bleeds.

    I can now respond in return that I look forward to when the racist crakkker ass neoliberal western imperial order collapses under the weight of it’s fascist projecting contradictions, and that you enjoy being game-overed by a combination of white supremacist violence, war, disease, or suffering for 50 years as your country’s air becomes even shittier, and your lungs black from all the smoke, pollution, toxins, while you beg your bosses for a day off work.

    Meanwhile, the East and Global South will rise up in revolt and begin laying the groundwork for establishing socialism. China will enjoy vastly improved living standards and technological progress, and clean air and fresh food and water, as it becomes a luxury in the west. And Chinese people will embrace further deepening socialism and actual democracy rather than capitalist dog and pony shows. I hope your last goddamn breath is you blaming China for not bowing down to your capitalist delusions.

  • Jesus fucking christ, you goddamn racist pricks never call the Chinese government by it’s proper name, and it arguably pisses me off more than your racism at this point, it’s called the CPC, not CCP. The CCP hasn’t existed for decades. Despite the Chinese translated name, in English it’s called the CPC. No amount of wishy-washy dick stroking will make the CPC the CCP.

    A literal CCP shill? As opposed to a figurative one?

    Finally, go fuck yourself. Even if I wasn’t supportive of the CPC, you’re 99 percent a white supremacist neoliberal capitalist bootlicker that thinks you better than the 1.4 billion Chinese citizens that overwhelmingly support their government and state of affairs, which is shown in numerous scientific studies and polls of different sources, all reaching similar approval ratings, so “they are all cowards or evil or brainwashed zombies” can be ruled out. Fundamentally wanting the CPC to be overthrown is racist, given that you want to dismantle what the over 90-ish percent of Chinese citizens like and support. But putting that argument aside, I don’t shill for anyone. Your brain is rotted from being spoonfed by capitalist white supremacist neoliberal media all your life. You claim to be anti-capitalist in your words, yet you don’t have an ounce of humility or reflection in your actions or attitude. You aren’t “calling out” anyway, you are being a racist capitalist douchebag.

    China is light years ahead of other neighboring countries in regards to trans rights, you would know that if instead of believing whatever Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Breitbart, the Drudge Report tell you to think.

  • I guess I need to fucking spell it out for you simpletons. The show and tv tropes argue that China is a totalitarian dictatorship and that Chinese people are too stupid, greedy, or evil to understand it, or are all brainwashed zombies with no free will, intelligence, human spirit, drive or individuality, nevermind the fact that totalitarianism is an idea propogated by neoliberals to falsely equivocate socialism with fascism, and that brainwashing itself is a racist caricature of a very real but popularly dramatized process applied in completely different contexts.

    The TV Tropes page endorses almost all of the tropes of the show as being real, despite them being based on racism, lies, and debunked nonsense, such as the lie that China is imprisoning 10 trillion Ughyurs, despite the mountain of evidence contrary, like the fact that multiple organizations of Arabic/Islamic majority countries decry these allegations and support China’s alternate means of fighting terrorism by educating, deradicalizing and setting up therapeutic training centers and schools, enshrining the rights of Ughyur muslims and other ethnic and cultural minorities into law, documenting the experiences off Ughyur muslims that were saved by anti-poverty and anti-terrorism campaigns, and how most of these facilities are now shut down because China is conquering the issue of separatism peacefully rather than bombing civilians, China is hosting traditional Ughyur muslim ceremonies and festivities, protecting cultural artifacts in museums and textbooks, seeking approval and cooperation with Ughyur elders, mandating that Ughyur officials be part of official political bodies, and up until recently being very lax about child number limits for the Xinjiang Ughyur Autonomous Region, and the fact that the original sources for these genocide claims all date back to a sham study conducted by U.S. and Australian-financed “researchers” that only interviewed 64 people with little regard to methodology or sample size, using very leading questions, all relying on completely false allegations from a known Nazi-sympathizing German anti-semite christofascist named Adrian Zenz, and right-wing cults like Falun Gong and the ETIM that were funded by the exact same CIA cutouts that financed Ughyur muslim separatist supremacist terrorist groups all the way back to the 1960’s that eventually joined up with the Taliban and attacked China in the 1980’s-early 2010’s.

    I’m sure you’ll dismiss all of this as propaganda, even though even the U.S. government publically admitted it couldn’t find enough actual proof to confirm China of having Ughyur concentration camps, instead of deradicalization and vocational and alcohol and drug abuse rehabilitation centers.