• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Glad you liked it!

    About the ecology, I can’t point to anything particular that makes them thrive now. Something interesting that I left out of the post which I read in the article that wasn’t available online, was that the owls eat different food in the Netherlands than in Germany. In Germany there are a lot of rodents, but in the Netherlands the rodents populations are smaller because of very intensive agriculture. Because of this, the Dutch owls eat more other species (they unfortunately did not specify what those species were).

    One trend that is visible in nature in Western Europe is that smaller fauna are struggling, but larger species are doing really well. In the Netherlands we have seen reintroductions of not only the Eagle Owl, but also the white-tailed Eagle, the beaver, the otter and the wolf (and maybe the lynx too in the near future). On top of that we have seen big population increases of cranes, geese, deer and probably some more that I don’t know about. This is mostly because of conservation efforts and hunting being banned.

    And I didn’t know that about the Kattenstoet, sounds very interesting!

  • I have no English sources for you, but with some translation app you can probably still check them out. One article that I used is not available online unfortunately.

    The Owl Camera(they have other owls and other birds too, as well as some interesting articles. The site is only in Dutch unfortunately).

    [Article by NOS](Oehoe bezig aan opmars: ‘Mogelijk al boven de honderd’ - https://nos.nl/l/2519607), the public broadcasting service. From this article is the ringing video that I talked about in the post.

    This German Site which has some numbers about the Eurasian Eagle Owl in Germany. They also have This article that talks about how the Eurasian Eagle Owl was perceived in the past in Germany. It is really interesting, so definitely check it out! They have some more articles that are very interesting too.

    Also some random linguistic facts: The Eurasian Eagle Owl is called Oehoe in Dutch and Uhu in German; both pronounced as “oo-hoo”. This is the only Dutch owl name that doesn’t end in owl; it is also an onomatopeia.

  • If you have objectively proven that atheists are wrong, that means that you must have proven that God exists right? I do not think that is possible without God showing himself, and not just to you, but to others too. If these atheists have not seen God, you have in fact, not proven that they are objectively wrong.

    Also, there are many arguments that atheists use. For example, some atheists believe that the Bible can not be right because parts of it were written long after the events that they describe (for example gospels written maybe 50 years after Jesus’ death, meaning most if not all eyewitnesses have died).

    As a Christian myself, I do not believe you can objectively disprove atheism. And to claim not liking God is the only reason for their beliefs is ignorant, if not worse.

  • It is getting a lot better, but traditionally chess was a game for men only. Until the 2000s women were seen as inferior by most top players, like Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov (AKA Gary Chess, inventor of chess). Right now 95 percent of members of the Dutch chess federation is men. In my local chess club the average ratio men/women is provably like 90/10, with the difference between children being a lot less than adults.

    If you haven’t seen it, the series “The Queens Gambit” does a pretty good job portraying the difference between men and women at the top of chess: maybe one woman, hundreds of men.

    The gender gap is coming down, but it is still there.

    Also, pro chess players only sacrifice their queens, but not their kings. I do both

  • It is an album by the famous Frnch singer Jean-Jacques Goldman. Even though he is not known for anything chess related, he is Frnch. The Fr*nch are looked down upon in chess for some reason, so anything in chess related to this nation has been called “en passant.” This includes capturing a pawn that moved two squares, throwing a croissant on the board and starting a revolution turning all pieces into pawns.

  • This could very well be the truth. In LOTR and the Hobbit these despicable creatures seem pretty nice, but keep in mind that it was Hobbits who wrote all of that and they are in this case biased towards Hobbits. Furthermore, it’s interesting that the Hobbits, who could barely read or write, had so much knowledge about their genealogical ancestry: this could merely be an oddity, but it could also mean that they made it up to erase any questions about their rights to the territory.

    On top of that, when I was searching through my memory for proof of another theory I have, that Lobelia got screwed over by Bilbo, it seemed suspicious to me that despite their love for genealogy and the fact that they (at least before “the Hobbit”) kept their homes to their family, or heirs, there is no mention of any inheritance procedure in any of the books, despite this being more relevant for the Hobbits who wrote the books than for example some random elven language. When Bilbo comes back in the Shire, he was declared dead, but there seemed to be an “auction” instead of an “inheritance”. On the other hand, Bilbo bequeaths everyting to Frodo later on.

    This use of words raises some suspicion. One possibility is that the “auction” was actually an “inheritance” and that Bilbo tried to invalidate Lobelia’s claims to his inheritance in his writings. Tolkien may have omitted the part of the book where inheritance in the Shire is explained to make Bilbo more likable: this part of the book is necessary to make my Lobelia theory, which I will not explain here because it’s too long, not just a theory, but a fact.

    The other possible reason as to why there is no explanation of the inheritance procedure is because there was no such thing, because the Hobbits didn’t live here for that long yet, increasing the probability of the theory mentioned in the above comment.

    Furthermore, Sauron wasn’t actually an eye, but he was seen by the Hobbits as such. The sun baby may have been angry at the Hobbits (see comment above this one); by showing himself as something resembling the sun baby, he (what even are the sun baby’s pronouns?) made them recall the crimes they commited against the Teletubbies.

    I may just be wrong though.

  • Although I’m happy to read that you are open to the truth, your comment also shows just how effective Bilbo’s propaganda has been. Don’t you understand that you base your comment on a book written by Bilbo himself? They didn’t want it, you say? How do you know?

    The sad truth is that we cannot make an objective reconstruction of what happened when Bilbo returned. It is however obvious that Lobelia moving into Bag-End was absolutely logical and that if she was angry, that can easily be understood. It also is obvious that Bilbo greatly disliked Lobelia. With this information we must try to understand what really happened. It is a hard battle we must fight, but in the end, I am convinced that truth shall be victorious.

    going by your theory

    You misspelled “truth”.

  • blubton@lemmy.worldtoLord of the memes@midwest.socialHe never got them back!
    5 months ago

    The only pay I need is justice; the only food I need is truth; the only drink I need is apple juice. Lobelia is just a Hobbit, a widow even late in her life! Nowhere in the books is any mentions of women working in the Shire, nor of any pension funds. It is fair to assume that the poor woman was in deep poverty. On top of that she was robbed of her inheritance, Bilbo making Frodo his only heir just to spite her. And here are you, talking about paying someone to defend your name ages after your death! Sometimes even a platform as glorious as Lemmy can make you lose your faith in humanity.