• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Conspiracy theories generally involve a worldwide conspiracy to hide the “truth”. There’s almost always at least an implied “them” who doesn’t want this truth to be revealed. The illuminati, the freemasons, or, inevitably, the Jews get blamed for suppressing shit. It’s a short road from flat earth or the lizard people to “a worldwide Jewish cabal is trying to sacrifice our children to Satan”.

  • atomicorange@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    Your condescending tone and weird insistence that we only talk about very specific topics in very specific ways makes me think you’re not interested in a good faith discussion at all.

    You seem upset, so I won’t push any more. Hope you feel better soon!

  • I’m certainly not arguing that the US’s behavior in this case is good, I’m just not seeing the connection to fascism.

    Authoritarianism is about a government’s relationship to its own citizens, not its posture towards foreign governments. An authoritarian country can be completely isolationist, like North Korea, or warlike and expansionist like nazi Germany.

    For fascism a hallmark is government capture of business within the country. It can take the form of cooperation like the US’s relationship with BP, but ultimately this kind of cooperation is about fulfilling the totalitarian regime’s goals, not the businesses.

    Primary to fascism is NATIONALISM, like your second quote states. Arguably the US is well down the road to fascism, we have a cult of personality building around Trump, focused on making the US “great again”, demonizing and othering his opposition within the country. If he were to seize power I’d argue we’re there. I just don’t think our colonialist mindset towards other countries is a symptom or indication of fascism. It’s just yet another way we’re a garbage country.

  • atomicorange@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    What percentage of women do you suppose have had a man threaten to rape or kill them? Get violently angry at them? Sexually assault them or a friend? I reckon it’s near 100%.

    The fear isn’t that all men will assault them, it’s that any man might. It’s not irrational, it’s based on experience. There are men in this thread arguing that women should be arming themselves to stay safe, right alongside men arguing that fear is irrational.

    Fuck the men with hurt feelings. Your fellow men have proved themselves dangerous, time and again. Women will treat you like dangerous predators until men as a group start policing their own and building a world where women don’t have reason to fear.