Look to whom you are giving the money. That is a very important part of the whole story.
Interesting that you don’t recommend Kobo Color. I was thinking of gifting my mother a kobo but I might just go for a BW version.
Stop buying whatever it is that Amazon/Meta/Google/Etc sell. They will not stand for you. They will not respect you.
At some points, it may seem like they changed and that they are now good. They are not. They will never be. Resist them.
Pay attention to her “bids for connection”. When she asks something, even if it is something simple, such as a request to look at a meme on the phone, try to accept the bid and do look at her meme.
Also, why not just ask her? “Hey sis, I see that you are unhappy with the way I treat you. I am sorry, I will try to do better. Can you tell me what it is that you want me to do more?”
Seems like she really likes you but she is not feeling love from you. She wants that.