• 557 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Sure,

    She appeared on RT as part of her campaign. Per the Intelligence Committee report linked:

    ”I just assumed that they had some kind of relationship with the Russian government and now my understanding is that they are probably state media, though they go through some nonprofit. Whatever, you know. Is their structure any different from Voice of America? Or BBC? I can’t tell you”

    Also, from the investigation:

    On December 9, 2015, Stein flew to Moscow to attend the RT Anniversary Gala. However, Stein paid for all of her own expenses and was reimbursed by her campaign because "it was very important that we [the campaign] were not going to be accepting money from a foreign entity of any sort, let alone something connected with a foreign government."Stein also was not paid to participate on any panels at the event.

    She was investigated and the committee found no wrongdoing. It is not illegal for presidential candidates to meet with world leaders or do interviews with international media outlets.

    As for the investments. If she is a hypocrite for having index and mutual fund investments in fossil fuels, then most Americans, as well as Harris, are too.

    Kamala Harris’s notable investments include Vanguard Target Retirement 2030 Trust II, worth between $250,001 and $500,000, and SFDCP Large Cap Growth Equity and SFDCP Large Cap Eq S&P 500 Ind, each worth $100,001 and $250,000.

    Emhoff’s retirement accounts are heavily invested in exchange-traded funds from Vanguard, BlackRock, and Charles Schwab. Some of the funds in Emhoff’s portfolio, according to documents filed by Harris in 2021, included:

    • Vanguard Small Cap Value Index (VBR)

    • iShares Core MSCI EAFE ETF

    • Vanguard Small Cap Growth Index (VBK)

    • iShares Broad USD Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF

    • Vanguard Growth Index ETF (VUG)

    • Vanguard Information Technology Index Fund ETF (VGT)

    • Vanguard Consumer Staples Index Fund ETF (VDC)

    • Vanguard Industrials Index Fund ETF (VIS)

    Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

    Jill Stein could sue Thirdway.org for defamation and libel, this article is grounds for a lawsuit.

  • NATO is the extension of neoliberal imperialism:

    Beginning in 1991, U.S. strategy would seek to entrench that position, arresting the historical process of Eurasian integration. For Brzezinski, Ukraine was an “important space on the Eurasian chessboard”—critical in tempering Russia’s “deeply ingrained desire for a special Eurasian role.” The United States, Brzezinski wrote, would not only pursue its geostrategic goals in the former Soviet Union but also represent “its own growing economic interest…in gaining unlimited access to this hitherto closed area.”18

    That project would be realized in part through NATO. The alliance’s expansion coincided with the creeping spread of neoliberalism, helping secure the dominance of U.S. financial capital and sustain the rapacious military-industrial complex that underpins much of its economy and society.19 The umbilical bond between NATO membership and neoliberalism was expressed clearly by leading Atlanticists throughout the alliance’s eastward march. On March 25, 1997, at a conference of the Euro-Atlantic Association held at Warsaw University, Joe Biden, then a senator, outlined the conditions for Poland’s accession to NATO. “All NATO member states have free-market economies with the private sector playing a leading role,” he said.