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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • The long dark is one of my favorite games of all time and I have to say, I don’t know how you can say just the cover photo looks similar. Here are some very similar things I noticed:

    1. You have a picture of an in game menu that looks exactly like TLD
    2. The way the flare and torches are handled is wildly similar, especially in your video where you are holding off wolves.
    3. That frozen body with snow all over it? It literally looks like it was copy pasted from TLD.
    4. You mention that there will be two modes, story and endless, very much like TLD too. I would wave that as a coincidence if everything else, including the name of the game, feel like a rip of TLD.

    I can’t just look at these things and think it is a coincidence, they are all so similar.

    I would have been more likely to wishlist and had less of a negative reaction if you:

    1. Didn’t act like there is nothing similar between the games and owned up to the fact you were inspired by such a masterpiece of a game.
    2. Actually was bringing something new to the table here, most of your trailer is showing everything I know from TLD, if you have new proprietary systems and ideas, like cooking why aren’t you showcasing them? All I see is an animation for cooking.
    3. The game looks really rough at the moment, and I respect the ambition. However, when I seen 2024 as the release date and this is what there is on show, I can only assume the rest of the game lacks the same polish.

    I do wish you luck, but in my opinion as someone from your likely target audience I would not purchase your game.

  • The MTX items are in game, the rumour that you can’t fast travel and stuff blatantly false.

    Capcom did some scummy shit, but the reason they(the press) didn’t know is because even now post release the game makes no mention of them.

    The limited travel, resurrections, and the currency for pawns were all in the first game and they all feel just as common in my experience.

    So fuck Capcom, but the game does deserve the reviews it got imo. However, they also deserve all the backlash they are getting, because they intentionally kept it quiet. They knew players would be upset. It’s gross.

  • The long dark. The game drips with atmosphere, sleeping when there is a blizzard outside your little cabin is just fantastic. Hearing the snow crunch as you’re exploring, or the haunting sound of wolves howling as they follow you while you’re hauling your latest kill of fresh meat.

    The feeling when you come across a rare find that saves your life, like a nice jacket or leggings.

    Oh! Once you learn to navigate in a blizzard? You can’t see and it can be so hypnotic. Walking until you find a landmark and adjusting your path, crunching along while the wind howls hoping you find shelter before you die.

    The feeling of seeing the Aurora borealis in that gorgeous sky at night?

    It all almost makes you forget that you’re probably starving/freezing to death.

  • I have always loved magic/mages/wizards/locks/witches/shamans in video games. When you have to make tons of alt accounts on MMOs or RPGs everytime i did another mage playthrough I started coming up with names for the memes. Some were okay, some were bad.

    When I went to do a hardcore playthrough of a game and was trying to think of a “sweaty” (sweaty being someone who puts in a lot of effort, for those unaware) pun, sweatyfireballs was born. I was so proud of if it, it became my new go to user name over my long running previous name that I came up with for my mage on vanilla wow. I peaked that day.

  • I’ve been saying this to my friends for a good while. I would take it even further than that too.

    My prediction has long been that since they were thinking about getting rid of it anyway, and they are shifting focus, that what you predict will happen and that eventually either Xbox will not exist or the Xbox of the future will just be a streaming dongle like the firestick. Just a little app store with controller and you stream all of your games over wifi.

    They sell it for dirt cheap and no legit console can compete for basic gaming. Sony will still have a hardcore market, especially with vr and their first party titles, but most of the casual crowd would buy a 50-100 dollar “Xbox” so fast and just pay for game pass. It is a no brainer for Xbox, consoles are always a major loss of money and they don’t want physical media anyway.

    Edit: “We have a different vision for the future of gaming. A future where players have a unified experience across devices. A future where players can easily discover a vast array of games with a diverse spectrum of business models. A future where more creators are empowered to realize their creative vision, reach a global audience, unite their communities, and succeed commercially. A future where every screen is an Xbox.”

    While they announced new hardware they were real hush on it, just that it would shake up the industry. While I’m sure they would say that regardless and a lot of people say a handheld, either way I don’t think it’s just a console. A handheld would allow exactly my prediction to be possible but it wouldn’t be as cheap.

    That quote feels like it nails exactly what I expected though. It might be some time but I do think it will happen and their whole narrative seems to be moving away from Xbox being a console.

  • SweatyFireBalls@lemmy.worldtoTesla@lemmy.worldElon Musk Is Overpaid
    5 months ago

    You know, sometimes I think I’m an average guy with what I hope are generally good opinions.

    Other times I see opinions that to me are so blatantly obvious that all I can do is roll my eyes and say “no shit…”. These opinions are apparently news worthy sometimes. When that happens I wonder to myself in a moment of egotistical self indulgence, that maybe I’m secretly a genius.

    That, or pretty much everyone who wouldn’t be considered medically brain dead would think this and the individuals who decided this was news probably use all of their processing power just to remember to breathe.

    So, everyone enjoy that nice long eye roll with me and indulge my fellow geniuses. For today, an opinion you came across so easily is news worthy, you are extraordinary.

  • I don’t see anything wrong with being gay or a pervert. Might just be me but I’d put my money on most people being “perverts” by any definition a delusional prude could come up with. Nothing wrong with coming onto anyone either, actually. I’ve been hit on by men, and while I’m not interested I was flattered. Respecting their response to your flirtation is what matters.

    The only real thing that could be an issue in this fever dream of a comment is if he repeatedly did come onto him but I have to say there is no shot I’m going to take anyone with all of your bias seriously. Jobs had a few screws loose and I would be willing to believe that the reason he would turn anything down is because he believed his alternatives would cure him. However I’m also willing to acknowledge my own bias, because I don’t think the man deserves the respect he gets, he seemed to do nothing but take advantage of others around him to get what he wanted.

    Step back and ask yourself do you really think that being gay or being a pervert is an issue or are you just told to think it should be? Is it really a thought point you came to on your own? Or maybe when he came out the article you read on it was written by a journalist with homophobic undertones and you internalized the homophobic response, after all it’s going to be easy to do if you already believe that gay = bad.

    It can be scary to think for yourself, especially if the people around you do not try to do so and be open minded themselves. You’ll feel lonely and isolated by the people closest to you, I’ve been there and it was hard. I hope you can change for the better and maybe you’ll be a little less miserable, in my experience I grew to be happier and less lonely in the long run.

  • My own feelings on the matter aside (fuck google and all that) this has been something chased after for a long time. The famous composer Raymond Scott dedicated the back end of his life trying to create a machine that did exactly this. Many famous musical creators such as Michael Jackson were fascinated by the machine and wanted to use it. The problem was is he was never “finished”. The machine worked and it could generate music, it’s immensely fascinating in my opinion.

    If you want more information in podcast format check out episode 542 of 99% invisible or here https://www.thelastarchive.com/season-4/episode-one-piano-player

    They go into the people who opposed Scott and why they did, and also talk about the emotion behind music and the artists, and if it would even work. Because the most fascinating part of it all was that the machine was kind of forgotten and it no longer works. Some currently famous musicians are trying to work together to restore it.

    The question then is, if someone created their life’s work and modern musicians spend an immense amount of time restoring the machine, when the machine creates music does that mean no one spent time on it? I enjoy debating the philosophy behind the idea in my head, especially since I have a much more negative view when a modern version of this is done by Google.

  • I’m an American living in Denmark and have done so for years, I love it here and have no intention of leaving. I’ve heavily considered giving up my citizenship in the US because I have no intention of returning, but I’m not Danish. Sometimes people say “you look Danish!” To me and internally I feel really uncomfortable. I wouldn’t even call myself European, honestly.

    However, that’s my opinion, and to be honest musk embraced the American way more than I ever did so he’s probably more American than I am. To each their own.