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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2023


  • I was once told that it isn’t about making your mind blank, it’s about acknowledging the thought that rolls into your mind, and then letting it go. The idea being to train yourself to let trains of thought go. When I’m being a huge dick to myself with my inner monologue I can sometimes remember “oh yeah! I can just not think about this” and then I’ll let my mind go elsewhere.

  • There is a kernel of truth in that sentiment though. The government has a tendency to be grossly wasteful of resources, but I feel this is offset by the fact that they aren’t profit driven in their goals and less likely to skyrocket prices to line shareholder pockets. Corporation are also “wasteful” in a sense, where they charge insane markups over actual cost and refuse to pay taxes on them, the difference here is that corporations move their profits offshore and out of Americans pockets, where the government always ends up paying private contractors more than they should. In the end corporations do more with less while government controlled services are always WAAAAAY cheaper than their private counterparts for the consumer despite them being inefficient.

    This is the part they don’t get. Do you want zero waste and ever rising prices for the sake of some worthless rent seeking billionaire cocksucker, or do u want some inefficiency, but you pay less overall. One makes someone else rich at your expense, the other allows you an affordable life while preventing another billionaire from existing.

  • Just general left and right. I think the majority of the issues people have with centrists is they’re looking at the overton window (and also lets be real the majority of americans thoughts dont go past “my side best side”). Which honestly i think even acknowledging the overton helps guide us farther right by allowing it to change what we see as left and right.

  • PresidentCamacho@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldBoth sides!
    2 months ago

    I never said anything about the middle. I was specific to the GOP/Trump supporters.

    But there are moderate republicans that have voted red for so long they cant vote blue because of habit and endless rhetoric. While they are facist sympathizers in that they vote red with their ehad in the sand, wether they know it or not, what do you gain by calling them that? Nothing really, its just inflammatory, and it will drive them farther towards the facist ideology as it will be the only place that will accept them.

    Dealing with this requires criticism, and forcing them to see the error of their ways whether they like it or not.

    Hard disagree. You should look into how to change peoples minds, because if you start by calling them a facist sympathizer its over. This is the biggest reason I’m against this kind of speech, while true, that person wont identify as such, but they will recognize the attack on them, put up their guard, and then its done. If you want to convince people of stuff, you have to find middle ground with them first and then broach topics from your point of view without speaking in antagonizing labels, or find a way to show how you both actually want the same thing, its a slow process, but it requires finding common ground to approach the topics you really want to convince them on from.

    The germans didn’t change their minds until they were forcibly marched to the camps to see the death and destruction they wrought upon the jews and other prisoners.

    This just shows how people need proof to accept things sometimes, the conversation is about changing minds and reducing polarization though, so I don’t know what point you’re trying to make with this. If its that they need to be called facists to learn, you are mistaken. Personal attacks never lead to a change of mind. You are better off showing (note: not calling, but showing) how the republican party are facists, than by calling the voters facists. In fact even using the word facist wont help, you may have better progress by getting them to agree the constitution is a marvelous document we should protect, they will agree, this is common ground, then you say something like “its a real shame it doesn’t hold the supreme court accountable for bribes though” or maybe “its a real shame that they are trying to give the executive branch unchecked power” as this is definitely not what the framers ever had in mind, its the exact opposite,. But this is how you argue stuff to affect change.

    If we are going to put effort into fixing this problem we should fix it right, we shouldn’t take half measures.

    Great is the enemy of good, anything that gets rid of the 2 party system while allowing multiple parties can and should be supported whole heartedly. You cant get hung up on finding the best solution when the solution presented helps us not steer off of the cliff. But yes, we should fight for the best system, but rally behind whichever one is chosen in the end, much like every election, you wish the candidate was inline with your views, but you’ll swallow and vote for what is available anyways.

    So does McDonald’s but that doesn’t mean it is a good choice.

    It is better than our current system, this is good enough for me, and it should be for you, but again, any system that allows for multiple parties is a good choice.

  • PresidentCamacho@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldBoth sides!
    2 months ago

    I don’t. But I will still call republicans/GOP voters fascist sympathizers, because at a bare minimum if you’re still voting red, you’re sympathetic to Trump and therefore sympathetic to fascism. That’s still demonizing language, and it is deserved.

    Yes keep pushing people closer to the middle farther to the right, dont try to meet them in middle in ideology, tell them theyre facists sympathizers so they go farther right.

    And for those of his supporters who are fervent, and genuinely believe in his messaging, they’re clearly fascists. Nazis didn’t get a pass for falling victim to rhetoric, neither do fervent Trump supporters.

    Yeah i agree with the fervant supporters, theyre fully in a cult now, nothing will bring them out of it.

    And better voting systems will never be achievable until the two party system is abolished. The DNC and GOP establishment are both married to the two party system. We either take over the DNC with reformists, or things will continue to degrade until the point where people have nothing left to lose and take to the streets violently.

    Yeah ive said about the same thing in other comments on this thread, its a pipe dream, but i can see no other way the country doesnt slip into destruction, so ill keep advocating for it.

    I’d recommend you look into approval and star voting, as RCV has a number of critical weaknesses.

    I will take anything that removes our 2 party system, i dont care what it is. But RCV has name recognition at this point.