• 5 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • I think that’s what people really ought to fear about our future. Once there are enough of us, once we’ve spread out widely enough, horrors and disgusts the likes of which we speak of in hushed tones praying we never find ourselves even adjacent to them will be cut loose into the universe.

    Until we develop means of consistent and viable FTL travel and communication, we’re going to all live with knowing that any heinous act we can possibly imagine is not only playing out somewhere, but the victims of it were probably bred for the purpose of making the show as enjoyable as possible for whatever freaks arrange for it.

    Even when we regain the proper footing of being able to enforce basic rules of prevention of the worst things we can imagine, the sickos will always be finding another remote world, another star at the fringes where justice can’t reach reliably yet.

    We will live in a universe of untold prosperity, and yet also one of an eternal game of whackamole against the worst kinds of us that could ever exist, and some that can’t yet but will come into existence with what we learn going forward.

    Even colonizing the solar system, we will regularly see headlines that force us to ask if we are doing enough to protect others, if everyone can live like kings while some are made to be the victims of Caligula, or of Pol Pot, or of Jim Jones, or of any of the other depraved madmen of history who made those underfoot their playthings for the worst impulses that not even the call of the void dares give an ear to.

  • Speaking is not the only means of communication, and I’d be surprised to find out that Biden doesn’t rely on email and memo communication behind closed doors to make his job easier.

    Thinking about it more I’d have probably still have been surprised at most points in his career. Not slipping back into stutter is something that requires a lot more focus than a politician really gets to commit to it at all times. Could be that Joe became mr. compromise because helping people get along lowers the amount of times he has to leave a conversation to reset his voice and get his focus back.

    Having recently been committed to bedrest I know what it’s like to get creative with your personal work environment in order to compensate for what you’re not able to do right now.

    It’s embarrassing even when everyone around you is as supportive and non judgemental as they can be, for a president, I could see the history books recording this as an echo of Roosevelt’s efforts to hide just how far his polio had actually progressed from the press. Even if not for ableist questioning of his legitimacy and ability to do the job, there’s still the personal embarrassment of having everyone know your chronic medical struggles and even picturing what your worst days must be like.

  • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldit's a big deal jack
    4 hours ago

    At this point what I think is happening is Joe has one of those old age bugs except this one specifically makes the brain to mouth communication issues that come with a stutter a lot worse.

    Because communication seems to always be this guy’s biggest stumbling block, if this were just a report card comparison there wouldn’t be a race, he’s obviously still a competent guy as old as he is, the problem is that something’s going on that makes it way harder for him to adequately communicate that whenever he needs to.

    That’s really the only way I can self reason why he then proceeded to be completely fine in the much lower pressure environment of his after debate rally.

    Edit: report card not credit card, although personally I’m willing to bet that Joe’s credit score is way better than Donny’s too

  • Slowly dying out as our descendants evolve into divergent races and species and stop being technically classifiable as human.

    People who think doom is upon us really don’t understand just how hard it is to kill all of us, it would take a confluence of several extinction level events at this point to completely wipe us out just because of how resilient we’ve made our society to collapse factors.

    We’re gonna live, we’re not gonna escape living with the world we’ve made as easily as just all dying because of it, and someday one of your descendants is gonna regard you the same way we do the savannah apes that figured out how to walk upright to get a better vantage over the tall grass.

    As for what our descendants will evolve into, honestly, it’s gonna be a much more designed process as we continue to master gene editing tech. I could genuinely see several branches just being different “forks” of the base human body plan that try to resolve “design flaws” like disconnecting the respiratory and digestive systems or restoring partial water breathing or fully activating our potential for bioluminescence.

    I think 40k is on to something too, the practice of the mechanicus of augmenting their bodies with tech to the point of even enabling their own brains to perform mass data analysis akin to a binary computer will be where a lot of folks end up too.

    In fact I believe that the moment a “third hemisphere” implant to the brain is successfully developed will be the actual singularity point for humanity rather than the development of an independently intelligent artificial being. Unlocking the potential of human pattern recognition in harmony with binary number mastery would instantly change so much about how people even understand the world let alone interact with it that predicting beyond that point is more an experiment of speculative evolution than of more standard futurism.

    As for immediately, I believe we’re a lot closer to a solar punk world than anyone’s really comfortable with accepting, because doing that means giving into fatalism means them having personally failed a goal within reach instead of “just accepting reality.”

  • Gossips will tend to respond to outright rejection by gossiping about you instead, and being a man in a predominantly woman’s field is gonna mean that gossip can get very dangerous for you and your career very quickly.

    Remember, gossip doesn’t have to be true to still be hot, and scorned gossips will be more than happy to exploit that to the fullest to spite you.

    Don’t tell them you don’t care about religion and politics either, because even if you don’t women have learned from shitbags to translate that to “I may or may not have been at the capital on Jan 6th and held a bonfire celebration burning IUDs when Dobbs came down, but I still want to get laid ever.”

    My advise, try just being boring. Contribute duds to any conversations they try to involve you in where you’re uncomfortable.

    Most importantly speak to a supervisor you feel you can trust to not tell the gossips and tell them the gossip makes you uncomfortable so that if the boring act doesn’t work and they start gossiping on you already, there’s a previous record indicating they might do that and it’ll at least insulate your future career prospects.

    As for sex life talk, women are under two impressions, 1, that they aren’t being raunchy when they talk about their sex lives, and 2, that men do it way more and are way grosser about it.

    It is entirely possible that they keep bringing up sex lives because they’re trying to relate to you and extravert adopt you, so if you gently explain that you don’t feel comfortable talking about sex with coworkers you might find yourself in a more open conversation about mixed signals and how you all can create a better working relationship.

    Some people keep trying to talk to ya because they really do just want to be friends! That sounds obvious but trust me it’s hard to actually internalize that to the point that you can believe it when it’s happening to you. Missed out on chill compsci bonding time with this pretty cool dude named gabe because I didn’t get that he was being so spontaneously friendly to me so much because he’s just a friendly guy. I met tech wiz Ned Flanders and it didn’t register to me for a solid year lol.

    You strike me as a bit of an introvert so I’ll add, uncomfortable but tactful conversations now can save you exponentially more awkward and embarrassing ones later.

  • My point is that involving the gun makes it terrorism by the same principle of escalation.

    It’s not a robery, it’s a near death experience where money might change hands.

    Gun violence is gun violence. It is all attempted murder and terrorism. Fact that some people want money out of it is irrelevant, it is still terrorism.

  • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldRock Eagle Flag
    15 hours ago

    If you pull a gun out you are not threatening, you have declared your intent to kill whatever it’s pointing at.

    It is not a defense tool, it is a “all other options are expired and now someone has to die” tool.

    There is no motive for pointing your gun at someone except to shoot them.

    No matter how much your dumbass might think you’re just trynna scare them a bit.

    It is the same. It is gun violence. It is terrorism without a cause.