

I’m Dan. A 36 year old father of two who doesn’t have nearly as much time as he needs to do half the things he wishes he had the time to do.

  • 33 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Won’t lie. Having a second was never something I expected to happen. I’m not sure either of us were ready for it and it’s absolutely gutted our sense of self, our relationship and our overall level of happiness.

    That said we both absolutely love our two kids. We wouldn’t be without them and they make our lives so much more…full. It’s amazing to watch them play together, and to watch my eldest show genuine care for another human, and to watch my youngest learn and mimic his big sister.

    It’s not been easy. I think we’d both admit that we’ve struggled with the transition from 1 to 2 in ways we never did form 0 to 1, and our youngest has been significantly more challenging than our eldest was, but even with that, he’s an absolute light in my world.

  • I can see both arguments for and against voting for a third party. Ultimately it’s your call and you’re gonna do what you’re gonna do. I do think it’s a sign of a deeply broken system when people can legitimately think that casting your vote for another candidate is a waste though.

    I’m in the UK and whilst it’s not exactly the same an awful lot of people will say that a vote for anyone that isn’t Labour is a vote for the Big Bad Tories. And whilst I do agree that it probably doesn’t help get rid of the Tories it’s also a pretty bad indictment of how broken the electoral system is.